Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Gangs and Society
Gangs can have a tremendous effect on society. They have existed for hundreds of years, especially in America. Although gangs are usually created from people who intend to offer safety in numbers, this safety is usually done through acts of crime. This book will explain how gangs and their actions affect society. Chapter one is â€Å"Initiation†. This included getting high with the other gang members, then getting beaten by his new comrades, then going out with a 12 gauge shotgun and ambushing a rival â€Å"set†. Sets are subsets of larger gangs like the Crips or the Bloods.Most gang violence occurs within these gangs between neighborhood â€Å"sets†. For example, Kody's gang, the â€Å"Eight Trays†are Crips and mortal enemies to the â€Å"Rollin' Sixties†Crips. Not only must each set fight their neighboring rivals, but also they are expected to respect the larger scale wars. If a group of sets declare war on another group of sets then your set ma y be expected to take a side. This can result in some very awkward diplomatic situations with Crip sets allied with Blood sets against Crip sets and their allied Blood sets.At one point in the book, the Eight Trays found themselves at war with a previously good ally, because of these larger conflicts. Kody took to the violence. He saw it as the step from childhood into manhood. He was good at it and soon received the gang name, â€Å"Monster†. He willingly and joyfully joined â€Å"Fly†, â€Å"Tray Ball†, â€Å"Huckabuck†, â€Å"Lep†, â€Å"Crazy D†and â€Å"Gangster Cool†. These youths were very much aware of the gangster legends, who had gone before them. This older members were mostly either dead or in jail. They seldom appear in the book, but when they do, there is respect and admiration from the younger members.Kody's goal was to build such a reputation. He even had a three point plan to reach his goal. First, he had to build hi s personal reputation by effectively using violence. Second, he had to build his name in association with his set, so that when his name is spoken his set is spoken of â€Å"in the same breath†. Third, he must establish himself as a promoter of Crip. their activities affect society. Weapons were easily obtained from older members. 12 gauge, . 44, 9mm, . 38 were common. A â€Å"banger†seldom moved about without being â€Å"strapped†with his â€Å"gat†. The war was financed by thievery and drug sales.This was before crack and its associated money made full automatic the weapons of choice. Kody would patrol his neighborhood on his bicycle carrying a loaded hand gun. They shot their enemies on sight. I was frightened at times by the fearlessness, heartlessness, and cold bloodedness of some of the armed guiltless homicides. Avenging assaults, initiation attacks and a peppering of random acts of murder accompany this proclaiming of manhood. One gang member, c hallenged to a private duel, responded, â€Å"I'm a killer, not a gunfighter. †Monster's reputation built quickly. He was a very effective killer.Kody found himself the target of older gang members who wanted him dead. He was ambushed, shot six times. He survived and went right back to banging. It all seemed quite normal to him. He couldn't imagine living life as a â€Å"hook†, a civilian, a victim. He was at war for control of the civilians, the hood, their turf. Killing civilians was frowned upon. There was no glory in civilians, too easy. Some civilians even welcomed and protected the hood's bangers as defenders. Later in the book, while in prison, Kody was recruited into an army of bangers, the Consolidated Crips Organization.That's CRIPS, as in Clandestine Revolutionary International Party Soldiers, defender of the C-Nation, unifier of the warring sets with claim to the Crips name. The older gang members were very aware of the need for more unity between gang mem bers to reduce the crippling infighting. There is much talk and effort placed in creating a Gang. The primary motivation to such unity was surviving the larger scale wars. The Crips were allied with gangs of Southern Mexicans against the Aryan Nazis with their Northern Mexican allies. California prison reads like a race war.This causes me to have nightmare visions of a possible Earth, where the racial and tribal lines of loyalty and disloyalty exists on a bloody worldwide scale. I took comfort in the fact that this book is the story of transformation, from a boy killer to a mature man. Gangs of all levels and types usually have a negative effect on society. Gangs, gang violence and gang wars typically suck up a city or town's police resources because of the sheer number of people involved, lack of witness cooperation and types of crimes connected to gangs.Higher-level gangs that are investigated by the FBI sometimes force the agency to utilize very risky and very expensive resources like high-tech surveillance, informants and witness protection programs. Gangs also can bring down the property value of neighborhoods from the violence and vandalism involved with gang life. Big money investors may shy away from places where they feel that their properties and resources will not be used for fear of gang crimes. Gangs can also drive up prices of local groceries and commodities via their intimidating schemes that force businesses to pay them sums of money in exchange for â€Å"protection. Gangs have been threatening the progression of our society due to the fear that has been put into everyone’s eyes. In my own hometown of Fairfax Virginia, now whenever people hear the police car sirens, the first thought that comes into their mind is someone got shot. Gang violence is not just an issue in Fairfax; gang violence is known to be an issue all over the world. Gang violence seems to be increasing all over the world throughout the years, and it’s becoming a major issue. Many people agree that innocent live get taken due to terror and violence that gangs bring to our society.The lives of young people are being put in danger because most gangs recruit young people as members. The younger members are the ones being sent to kill each other just to gain respect by the older people in the gangs, and the gain reputation in the gang too. Innocent’s people’s house get shot at because of the gangs trying to kill a gang member, and sometimes they end up killing an innocent person. Some people feel the criminal justice system is failing to control the growth and strength of gangs in communities and prisons alike.In today’s society, the age of gang members continues to decrease while the number of them continues to increase. As youth continue to age the chance that they will end up in prison increases. There will be focus on the relationship between prison and street gangs and how society is affected as a result of these gangs . It is important to look at how gang violence can be reduced if not prevented all together Mike Torbert â€Å"The Autobiography Of An L. A GangMember†By: Sanyika Shakur Sociology Paper 3/22/12
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
12 Angry Men Analysis – 2
Nobody could forecast that a low budget movie with 12 different actors performing in one single room could affect in such a remarkable degree several sciences like law, business, psychology etc. The movie, based on the scenario that a 12 member jury group is about to decide through a certain procedure if a young boy is going to face the death penalty or not, can be linked with many theories referring to leadership or group/team work. Influenced by the Group Effectiveness Model of Schwarz (2002), the structure of the group along with the context and the process are vital for its effectiveness (Eirini Flouri & Yiannis Fitsakis 2007).In the first part of the film when the stage of forming, as it is claimed by the Tuckman’s Team Model, occurs, we notice the main characteristics of this group(David A. Buchanan & Andrej Huczynski, 2010). The group consists of 12 male middle aged white men probably coming from the middle class. Even from this first impression, admiring the effort of the film to achieve diversity, signs of prejudice appear. Specifically, the fact that all of them are men and moreover white men represents main biases of that period.Additionally, as it is mentioned to Sheldon’s Theory about the biases, the somatotype of each person declares in a certain way its character and this can be noticed by the selection of the characters and their match with the roles (Big guy is the tough one, smaller and thinner is the most innocuous, the handsome is the sensible and sensitive one etc. ) (David A. Buchanan & Andrej Huczynski, 2010). Despite the fact that the movie is trying to accuse such biases (which will be underlined later) certain ways of projection of that period could not be avoided.This is one of the reasons why in the remake of the film in 1997 black actors participated as well and later there even women were introduced in the team for certain theatrical versions. (Eirini Flouri & Yiannis Fitsakis 2007). The existence of a â€Å"one-offà ¢â‚¬ situation like this in the movie leaves space for less inhibition for conflicts. Moreover, specific factors like the size, the external-internal environment and the definition of the process play a crucial role in the structure of the group.Obviously, the size of this group is 12, but the question is: why so many? The reason is that by having a greater number of juries the system of justice achieves higher levels of democracy with less possibilities of getting unfair decisions combining the memory, the knowledge and the experience of each member and eliminates any prejudiced behaviors. On the other hand as Social Impact Theory mentions the more members there are, the less responsibility they feel (Latane and Nida, 1980).In the external environment we could enclose the time of the procedure, which is unlimited at first but with a deadline coming up afterwards, and the conditions of the place of action, which is characterized by the humidity and the high summer temperatures, th e broken air-conditioning, the unavailability of space. Such details could become the cause of stress, aggressiveness and as it was shown desire for fast result (just finish the procedure). In the internal environment issues like experience of previous similar situations, cultures, personalities, knowledge, mood, health, personal schedule and specialization could affect the result.Ending, a matter of significant importance is the definition of the procedure. In this case, we observe that after the release of the 2 alternatives there are 12 juries left. The juries have to decide if the boy is guilty or not guilty but there must be a full agreement (12 to 0) in each case; A democratic method which proves the importance of the situation. Alternatively, if they cannot reach an agreement they can decide a hung jury and then another trial will take place with different juries this time.The role of the foreman is usually for the most experienced person in this field or the first jury or fo r anyone who claims the desire and gets accepted by all. In the movie, juror1 supports this role setting the basic norms of the procedure. It is worth mentioning that nowadays, in the selection of the juries there is a specific procedure that is called â€Å"Voir Dire†procedure that clarifies the capability of the juries (Michael T. Nietzelt and Ronald C. Dillehayt 1982). Undoubtedly, the conviction of the biases of any kind is one of the main objects of this film. Primarily, in the first scheme, the judge seems really ninterested about the outcome and he seems to be sure about the result. The Halo Effect is â€Å"a judgment based on a single striking characteristic†and is being remarked in many cases during the film (Edward Thorndike, 1920). Moving to the main part of the film and the central procedure we can emphasize on the juror3 and juror10 who are the main representatives of such prejudiced behaviors. Both of them were trying to fill the gaps of their knowledge using selective attention in certain facts and their personal experience (â€Å"Principle of closure†by Max Wertheimer 1880-1943).Everyone has his stereotypes and if we imagine stereotypes as pictures in our head, jurors 3 and 10 have the image of a dangerous criminal for the defendant, raised to act in certain ways (Lippmann, 1922). More specifically, juror3 expresses, from his first lines in the film, his perception against the young boy (â€Å"I ‘d slap those kids before†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). But as the movie goes on, he expresses again and again his personal beliefs connecting them with his personal disappointment from his own son (â€Å" it’s these kids they are these day†, â€Å"I used to call my father Sir†).Even more he presents his cultural stereotype against the elderly (â€Å"How could he be positive about anything? †) Eventually, juror3 stands alone with his perceptions, believing in the boy’s guiltiness and through a psycholo gical outburst admits that all his statements were based on biases. Similarly, juror10 uses his own belief to create his racial prejudice against the defendant (â€Å"I‘ve expected that†, â€Å"You know what we are dealing with†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) as well as his past experiences (â€Å"I’ve lived with them†¦ they are born liars†).Adding to this, juror10 weights the value of the young boy less than the cost of a trial. Finally, his â€Å"explosion†made the apocalypse of his real personality and the group’s mechanism accused his behavior through a visual isolation and oral prohibition. The existence of biases in each group can create an unpleasant internal environment for each member and be the reason of conflicts. The productivity or the effectiveness of the group is in danger if such behaviors are being tolerated. Apart from the complexity which is created there is also a matter of fairness of the group’s function.As the movie flows, the influence of the group to each individual separately is obvious but a vice versa phenomenon is noticed as well. In this part, the different roles of the jurors and their influence on each other through the communication style of all-channel are being presented, as well as with some strategies followed by the leader-juror8. One thing that is common for most of the jurors is that they have common BATNA(Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) and this is the hung jury.However, this is not the case for jury8 claims that his only purpose is the delivery of the justice (Fisher and Uri, 1981). Starting with juror1 we can notice signs of leadership in the early beginning but he ends up being more like a manager, organizing the procedure. Excluding the moment he reaches his breaking point and suggests if anyone would like to take his place, juror1is the one who sets up the norms, accepts propositions, guides the conversation and the voting procedure, avoids conflicts and respects pr ivileges keeping a democratic way of thinking.Being the foreman can be characterized as the â€Å"co-ordinator†(Beldin’s Team Role Theory 1996, 2007). Many of the jurors (2, 5, 6, 7, 11, and 12) seem to have low self-esteem not only because of their character but also because of the number of the team that forces them to get lost in the crowd or just finish the procedure and leave (â€Å"I just think he is guilty†, â€Å"Can I pass? †, etc) This is obvious from the first vote where only 5 of the 11 votes come directly and the rest are raised slowly just to avoid being pointed out.They are becoming followers(2, 5, 6 and 11) or entertainers (7) or just dreamers (12). Of course most of them are open to hear more and accept different opinions (2, 5, and 7). The rest just do not care so much about the result and these â€Å"free riders†, as Frohlich and Oppenheimer called them in 1970, are the proof that social loafing (or Ringelmann Effect) is a commo n phenomenon in big teams. The role of juror9 has a vital meaning for the outcome because he takes part in all the breaking points of the process.Firstly, he is the first supporter of juror8, secondly it is him who explains the old witness’s psychology (â€Å"Attention†) and lastly he is the fire starter for the fall of the woman’s testimony. The main opponents to the boy’s exoneration are jurors 3, 4 and 10. As was mentioned previously jurors 3 and 10 are mostly based on biases and stereotypes for children from slums. They are all concentrated on general facts and obvious details. The extensive use of loud voice is frequently the main argument of jurors 3 and 10, which could never strengthen their position.Alternatively, juror4 is using his logic and cleverness to support his facts and admits his fault proving his maturity, once he is convinced. Focusing on juror8 we can claim that he owns the position of the leader as his bargaining power is unique. Max Weber (1947) claimed that â€Å"bargaining power is the ability someone has to achieve his goals no matter of the resistance he faces†. Juror8 follows a series of strategies in order to be flexible and adapt to the needs of each occasion. In the beginning, as it is shown from Jo-Hari’s Window, everyone has a bigger unknown-black side, so juror8 wants to get information as an input.Eventually, he adopts the strategy of a listener in order to get knowledge from the others without revealing himself. Afterwards, in the first vote he stays neutral mentioning his points aiming to make some of the rest see the facts from a different angle avoiding any conflict. The brainstorming procedure just began. In order to wake up their consciousness he uses specific words like â€Å"maybe†, â€Å"supposing†, â€Å"possible†and â€Å"assume†. In the main part he listens carefully and argues with all the elements one by one. There is also an extensive use of rhetorical questions and irony just to make his point clear.The first action scheme is when he places the similar knife on the table. The leader breaks the law in order to prove his point. He becomes more active for the first time and gets the whole team upset. Eventually, he creates the first doubts. At this specific time he calls for a new vote. Apparently, the timing is not random. Probably he recognizes some voices like his and decides that it is time to set up a coalition strategy. He needs just one vote which will strengthen amazingly his arguments and he gets it.The fact that he uses his emotional intelligence to point out his views, while he realizes that some other jurors are playing, proves once again his leading abilities. The next step is to create personal relations with some of the jurors. So, he finds the weakest of the group who are about to change side and ask for their opinions. It is not by accident that these jurors were mainly followers until this time. Having established these connections, he uses logic and science as well as the experience and the knowledge of the group in order to persuade the others.As soon as he realizes that one of his main opponents (juror3) loses his self-control, juror8 becomes aggressive and pushes him to the limits using the technique of the irony to apocalypse the existence of his personal prejudice against the defendant. After completing his task, he shows his sympathetic character and supports the worried opponent. Based on Moscovici (1976) and his 5 Aspects juror8 is loyal to his beliefs(Consistency), responsible for his acts(Autonomy), flexible whenever it is appropriate(Rigidity), risky in the first secret vote(Investment) and willing to bring justice(Fairness).The impact of this movie in our modern times is initially proved by the fact that after so many years it is still being taught in courses not only in Law schools but also in Business and Psychology schools. Definitions like brainstorming, social lo afing, diversity, team-working, biases and preconceptions, attribution, personality, leader’s abilities, democratic voting and many others are part of any organization nowadays. This movie is the omen for the evolutionary development of a team structure, a team-worker’s behavior and a leader’s characteristics. 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Monday, July 29, 2019
Jihad Vs McWorld Essay
In nature, there are always at least two forces acting on each other. They either tend to be always in opposition to one another to ultimately destroy the other or to create a new force that is a mixture of elements coming from each of the present forces. In society, Benjamin Barber identified two forces or tendencies, given the political and economic trends at the time of his writing, which may come in to being and could pose a threat to democracy as we know it: tribalism and globalism. At the present time, â€Å"Jihad Vs. McWorld†offers a good retrospective view of things that had just recently occurred. Students of history are offered a good summary of how things were going at the end of the last century and how these could possibly come out, if it had not yet turned out to be so, today, and a possible means of securing democracy that can withstand the forces of McWorld and Jihad. As a political theorist, Barber offers some insights of the trends that were going on in the 1990s and as well as some factors that are inextricably linked to these trends. These trends, McWorld and Jihad, he described as both being undemocratic in its effects to the citizenry. In McWorld, he talks of the â€Å"four imperatives†that govern its dynamics. Market imperative, resource imperative, information-technology imperative and ecological imperative, according to Barber, make up the working guidelines that govern the dynamics of McWorld. Personally, it may seem a bit far-reaching to talk about these imperatives verging on generalities, but then again he is trying to clarify a concept that is in operation in a big world and that because of these imperatives such a big world in ever shrinking smaller with the passing of each day. In Jihad, he talks of the struggles of people based on ethnic, racial, cultural, and religious differences whose final aim is â€Å"to redraw boundaries†¦ [and] escape McWorld’s dully insistent imperatives. †At first reading, it may be quite surprising that these same reasons for which minorities struggle to be recognized within existing national boundaries are claimed to be the self-same reasons for which nations were born; nations composed of various groups of people with many differing aspects but with at least one common feature that became the focal point of their unification in the past after the break up of empires. This initial surprise can probably be overcome if one looks at the latter concept as a case of self-determination against a colonial master and the former as a case for self-identification. For both McWorld and Jihad, Barber paints grim pictures if in case one of the two takes the upper hand over the other and it really does not matter which wins in the end for both have undemocratic tendencies. McWorld is said to offer peace and prosperity and relative unity while Jihad brings forth a sense of community, kinship and solidarity. Seemingly, the offerings to the citizenry of McWorld and Jihad are mutually exclusive. One might not have a slice of McWorld and another slice of Jihad at the same time. McWorld hinges on interdependence while Jihad is based on exclusion. But Barber offer a middle ground for which the economic benefits of McWorld can be availed of while maintaining the exclusionist ideal of Jihad. He offers a representative confederal government as an ideal solution to address the excesses of both McWorld and Jihad; a form of â€Å"decentralized participatory democracy,†that has some elements of parochialism, communitarianism and participatory governance. Barber argues that, after all as a tree grows from the roots going upward, democracy starts from the bottom up and not from the top going down. This view I share with Barber. People compose nations and it is essential, I believe, that the ideal principles of self-determination and government be well laid out and understood by this self-same people so as to avoid the excesses of Jihad and McWorld or at least minimize them. The discussions of Barber in Jihad Vs. McWorld creates a dark picture that sometimes we could not easily accept that we could even dismiss it as a far-reaching generalization of the trends of the time that would eventually dissipate. But the beauty of this essay lies in the fact that it came at a time when the events that he was discussing were but recent and may have been witnessed first-hand by those among us right now. We could easily ascertain the accuracy and veracity of his claims from other resources or even from our own memories, if it is sufficient enough (i. . had we been born a few years before or within the years of the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Quebecois unrest, etc. ). Furthermore, the solution that he proposes is something that is not totally radical and would pose as a mild readjustment of the current system of have now. Students of history, both those studying it in the halls of learning and those studying it in the realm of wide world, can benefit greatly from this work by Barber. In exposing the excesses of McWorld and Jihad, he did not indulge in radical rhetoric and offered a middle ground solution that could take in the best of both worlds, so to speak. He leaves the reader the choice whether to adopt his proposal or at least gives room for others to expose a better one than his, after all this is the very essence of the democracy that he espouses. It may take time to reap the benefits of finding or adopting a middle-ground solution of Jihad and McWorld and could not be rushed. Moderation is the key and haste is an invisible wall. In the end, the tortoise has always won over the hare.
Analysis of Authentic Leadership Literature review
Analysis of Authentic Leadership - Literature review Example This kind of leadership is also focused in empowering others so that they can also be in a position of making difference, in this regard, it is proper to construe that they are not megalomaniacs and kleptomaniacs who have legendary interest in power, prestige, and money. Authentic leadership also draws their guidance from the mind and the heart- it practices guidance that is heart-based and at the same time hinged on compassion and passion (Hames 2007, p.88). Authentic leadership is also thoughtful and demonstrates the qualities of the mind and lead with purpose, meaning, and values. Their relationship is strong and genuine and this attracts people to them because they demonstrate consistency, reliability, and strength. Authentic leadership does not compromise on the values that they believe in even in the most difficult situation that they are pushed to the walls; instead, they are dedicated to learning and personal growth owing to the subscription in this kind of leadership that it takes a lifetime to be a leader. ... To have emotional intelligence can be looked into four cardinal perspectives; perceiving emotions, understanding emotions, reasoning with emotions and managing emotions. In the perception of the emotion, one should be in a position of making a deduction on one’s emotion just by observing the body language and the facial expression (Bradberry 2009, p.54). In this regard, you will be able to know people’s feeling without saying a word to them. Identification of the emotion plays a significant role in emotional intelligence and in this reference, one needs to be equipped with the ability. Reasoning with emotion, on the other hand, means making a choice whether it is prudent to engage to the person’s emotions or not. In addition to this, one also needs to understand emotions, and it involves conceiving the emotions manifested by people and interpreting them correctly to know what they mean. Lastly, management of the emotions involves taking control of your own emotio ns so that you can beat non-polarized state when making a response to others (Zeidner, Gerald, and Roberts 2009, p.81). Â
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Berlin Airlift Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Berlin Airlift - Essay Example This study outlines that the divergence of views on the status of Berlin soon emerged. The Soviet Union considered the presence of the other three Western nations only as a temporary occupation. As Joseph Stalin claimed, in economic and administrative terms, the whole of Berlin belonged to the Soviet-occupied zone of Germany. On the other hand, the Western Powers asserted that the citizens of Berlin had the right to choose and determine the future.  From this paper it is clear that the rift was further aggravated given the difference in Soviet Union’s and Western nation’s viewpoints regarding the economic recovery plan for Germany. The former believed that Germany should be incapacitated to launch another war since Stalin assumed that Germany along with Japan could once again be perils to Soviet Union by 1960s. On the contrary, the Western Powers, particularly the US, stressed that the post war reconstruction of Europe primarily depends on the re building of German economy and industry. In line with the Western recovery plan, the unification of the Western-occupied sectors in Germany, dubbed as the Marshall Plan, was announced on March 6, 1948. The three Western zones would be consolidated with an independent federal government. In this regard, the Soviet Union withdrew from the Allied Control Council administering over Berlin due to the perceived violation of the Potsdam Agreement by the Western Powers.... In this regard, the Soviet Union withdrew from the Allied Control Council administering over Berlin due to the perceived violation of the Potsdam Agreement by the Western Powers ("Reader's Companion to American History"). Apparently, the country was divided into East Germany under the Soviet Union and West Germany under Western Power control. As such, Berlin was similarly divided. As a pre-requisite for the establishment of independence, the Western Powers called for the revival of the economy. During those times, the only active economy in West Germany was the black market. To push through with the Marshall Plan, the underground economy would have to be destroyed. The Western Powers believed that currency reform was the answer. (Botting) Currency Reform As part of the proposed change in currency, a brand new currency, the Deutschemark, would replace the highly depreciated Reichsmark. The Deutschemark was set with a stable and universally accepted value. For the plan to succeed, the currency reform operation was carried out in utmost secrecy. They deemed it crucial that no leak was generated for this would result to adverse international consequence. (Botting) When the new currency was announced in June 23, 1948, substantial economic recovery commenced in West Germany. The confidence in money was revived and economy normalized as traders abandoned the barter system and sold goods in exchange for cash. The shops were also filled with various consumer goods which had not been sold legally for a long time. (Botting) Soviet Reaction The introduction of the new currency proved to be unacceptable for the Soviet Union. In a meeting between Stalin and three Western
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Trends in obesity over the last 20 years and implications for the Coursework
Trends in obesity over the last 20 years and implications for the future - Coursework Example This essay "Trends in obesity over the last 20 years and implications for the future" outlines an increasing trend in the obesity of the USA in the last twenty years and if the effects of the policy implemented are ineffective in the USA. The body mass index (BMI) includes a significant importance. It is a measurement of the weight defined as kg per square meter. In a conventional manner when the range of BMI is between 25 and 30, then the person is said to be overweight and the person is said to be obese when the value is greater than 30 (Akil & Ahmad, 2011, p. 58). This obesity problem is a common trouble in almost every country in the world especially in the Western countries. Statistical analyses is an important tool which will be directed towards analyzing the trends of obesity in different countries and can give us a clear idea about the historical pattern and suggest important policies for the future. Obesity is very crucial problem in every society and it is indeed an importa nt problem in the developed nation like United States of America (USA). There has been a growing awareness of the health problems attached with weight as well as availability of light or no fat foods. But despite that there had been a significant incidence of obesity problem in the United States of America. There has been documentation initiating from period as early as 1960s and there has been a consistent year to year rise in the percentage of adults who are suffering from overweight. This trend increases seem to have accelerated. Data collected from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) indicates that within a period of 1985-1995 there has been an increase in the BMI from a level of 29.2 to 34.4 and there has been an increase in the percentage from a magnitude of 8.6 to 15.2. The correlation between overweight and many of the chronic diseases as well as various obnoxious health outcomes has made this a serious health concern. Obesity as a factor also gets associa ted with nation’s burgeoning health care bill. It is estimated that for the year 1990, the costs including direct and indirect costs of the excess weight in the USA were figured at the amount of $46 billion and $ 23 billion respectively (Binkley, Eales & Jekanowski, 2000). The propositions which will be examined in the paper are: 1. There has been an increasing trend in the obesity of USA in the last twenty years 2. Obesity is the highest for USA as compared to other countries 3. Race also plays an important part in USA with respect to obesity 4. The standard deviation of obesity of the data of USA is highly scattered 5. The effects of the policy implemented are ineffective in USA. 4. Analysis Before moving into analysis, the method of data collection is to be mentioned. For the purpose of data collection, we have relied on the government site of USA .The database for data collection which is used is the center for disease control and prevention (CDC) in USA. CDC helps in the creation of expertise, information as well as tools which the people as well as the communities requires for the purpose of protecting their health with the help of promotion, disease prevention, injury and disability as well as preparedness for the threats of new health problems. CDC directs towards accomplishing its mission through working with the partners all over the nation as well as in a global basis for the purpose of detecting as well as investigating the health problems, conducting research as
Friday, July 26, 2019
Inventory Management and Replenishment of Components Assignment
Inventory Management and Replenishment of Components - Assignment Example The critical replenishment parameters for item H1: Item H1 reflects a non-existing or poor inventory control strategy. The need to adopt floor-ready merchandise would address the uncertainty of replenishment. Such model allows the implementation of a rapid stock-replenishment strategy. Besides, adoption of continuous replenishment or supplier-assisted inventory replenishment would assist in streamlining H1. Adoption of Periodic review and Continuous review (Silver, 1998; Moustakis, 2000). Refers to the frequencies of evaluation that determines when to place an order for the replenishment. To place a replenishment order, a pre-determined level (re-order level or re-order point) is set so guide continuous reviewing process when the stock falls below the inventory level. Continuous review is most appropriate for companies using IT systems in tracking inventories. H1 could also be reviewed periodically. Under this model, inventories are evaluated at a particular frequency. During the rev iew, if the stock levels are below the predetermined level a replenishment order would be placed (Silver, 1998; Moustakis, 2000). However, if it is still within the cycle, the reordering would be ignored. Using the fixed stock quantity (230 units) together with a reorder quantity of 300 units are used alongside the continuous review. It assumes an Instantaneous replenishment of order. Involves placing orders when it falls below the 300 units re-order level (which is predetermined). The process triggers order when the stock falls below a predetermined reorder level.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
The Impact of Technology in Business Dissertation
The Impact of Technology in Business - Dissertation Example 3.0 Literature Review 3.1 Impact of communication advancement on Business Despite the fact that the bigger companies have huge and dedicated information and communication technology departments, today, the technology levels the playing field to accommodate even the smallest companies (McKenney, Copeland and Mason, 1995). The smaller companies have a huge chance of surpassing the bigger companies if the smaller companies can use the ever increasing technology to their advantage (Johnson, 2009). 3.2 Impact of Databases to replace file systems in businesses A lot of technology has been applied in businesses today. For example, Database management systems are being used over the world in businesses. The database management systems replaced the old file systems (Atkinson and Draheim, 2010). This is probably one of the most widely used technology in businesses today. The database management systems are especially used in the accounting departments. Wang, 2014, suggests that businesses are solemnly driven by databases today. The better the database design, the more effective the business. 3.3 Impact of teleconferencing and home working Technology has changed how businesses operate is improvements in communications. With advances in communications, businesses can easily communicate with clients, suppliers and other important stakeholders quite effectively. This has led to increased productivity in the businesses. With teleconferencing for example, people can attend a meeting without necessarily being together in a physical room.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Czech Economy and European Union Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Czech Economy and European Union - Essay Example The conditions include: 2. Government Finance: This head contains limits for the Government deficit and the Government debt.Firstly, the ratio of the annual government deficit to the GDP should not exceed 3%(as reckoned at the end of the preceding fiscal year).Secondly, the ratio of the gross government debt to GDP should not exceed 60%(as reckoned at the end of the preceding fiscal year). 3. Exchange Rate: The aspirant countries should have been members of the Exchange Rate Mechanisms under the European Monetary System for two consecutive years and should and have devalued their currency during that period. E) The European Central Bank (ECB) is chiefly responsible for formulating the monetary policy for the 13 member states. The main objective if the ECB is to maintain price stability in the euro area. Additionally the Bank is bound to pursue the objectives stated under Article 12 of the Treaty of EU, ie; to achieve a high level of employment and sustainable economic growth. The banks functions by employing the following tools to achieve the aforementioned objectives: The ECB must fix a single interest rate as a part of the monetary policy formulation. The rate is set by the governing council of the ECB which meets twice every month. Once the interest rate has been fixed the National Central Banks must implement and maintain it in their countries.Thi is done by initiating the "open market operations". For the foreign exchange operations, the bank operates a minimum reserve system. The credit institutions in the euro area must keep a minimum reserve with the ECB which has been currently set at 26% of their total liabilities. Additional tasks include issuance of bank notes in the euro area and promotion of smooth payment system. F) Impact of Euro adoption: Fundamentally the adoption of the euro is the most important example of structured co-operation inside the EU and marks the full monetary integration of the 13 member states. A preliminary study by the European Commission indicates that the single
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Poes psychosomatic Turmoil Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Poes psychosomatic Turmoil - Research Paper Example Longings for the affection and love of the nearest and dearest ones were further deteriorated by the animosity of his step-father. In fact, the stepfather soon turns the inferiority-complex in Oedipal Complex. Along with these traumas, Allan Poe has experienced nightmares throughout his whole life. Instead of being afraid he soon learnt to apply the nightmarish effect in his writings, as in his book, Edgar Allan Poe, Vincent Buranelli says: He took to inspecting with meticulous exactitude his psychological states when he hovered between sleep and wakefulness, found his mind occupied with shadows of ideas â€Å"rather Psychical than intellectual,†and learned to some degree to control them. In a letter to Mr. Allan (April, 1833) Poe writes about loveless bleak world where he was suffering from isolation and destitution: â€Å"Without friends, without any means, consequently, of obtaining employment, I am perishing  absolutely perishing for want of aid†¦ For Godâ⠂¬â„¢s sake, pity me and save me from destruction (O’Neill 7). Obviously Poe’s longings for the camaraderie and compassion of the near relatives, together with his stepfather-induced Oedipal-complex greatly help Poe to perceive the revengefulness of the inferior and to conjure up the horrible revenge character like Montressor in â€Å"the Cask of Amontillado†. Though the â€Å"Cask of Amontillado†dominantly echoes the theme of revenge, the ruptured psychological evidences such as inferiority-complex and Oedipal complex, that Allan himself has been familiar with during his lifetime behind Montressor’s revenge. ... Though the â€Å"Cask of Amontillado†dominantly echoes the theme of revenge, the ruptured psychological evidences such as inferiority-complex and Oedipal complex, that Allan himself has been familiar with during his lifetime behind Montressor’s revenge. Indeed these ruptured psychological complexes are evident in almost all of Poe’s characters. If his real life inferiority complex and oedipal complex exhibit through the convulsive personality disorders like alcoholism and murderous intension in â€Å"the Cask of Amontillado†, â€Å"the Black Cat†, â€Å"The Premature Burial†, â€Å"The Tell-tale Heart†etc, the losses of his loved ones and the existential void induced by these losses are vividly emergent through the necrophilic fantasies in works such as â€Å"Ligeia†and â€Å"The Raven.†But the same existential cavity in Poe’s life has helped him to create a bleak world void of love and haunted by the fear of d eath, revenge, injustice and a world where people are affected with hyperesthesia, hypochondria, love-sickness, hypersensitivity to humiliation, abnormally revengefulness, etc. Such bleak world is evident in â€Å"the Fall of the House of Usher†. The loss of Poe’s mother when he was at three years old, the absence of a father, the death of his consumptive wife who soon died, the antagonistic relationship with Mr. John Allan, frustration in love and the subsequent indulgence into gambling and alcoholism etc have influenced his writings in a number of complicated ways. Though specific evidences in any specific piece of work can directed referenced to a traumatic event, experience or object, the traumatic events and experiences in Poe’s life have some effects on the themes
Disadvantages of the Present Jury System Research Paper
Disadvantages of the Present Jury System - Research Paper Example The present jury system has also been found to have the limitation in that; some defendants during trail go for the jury so as to delay to the system (Simon, 1995). Delaying the whole process exert pressure on the Crown Prosecution Service so as to cut down the charge with respect to the defendant persuading guilty. It has also been found that, delaying the process because the defendant choosing jury during trial makes the prosecution witness not to attend the trial. This weakens their follow-ups if they do not appear during the trial, thus increasing chances of acquittal (Simon, 1995). Under the present jury system, if the defendants are taken to remand, they enjoy extra time that the convicted prisoners are not given. For this reason, the time the defendants spend on remand is subtracted from any final sentence in prison. This has the implication that the trial will be put off as much as possible so as to maximize the amount of sentence while living under better conditions. This is the long last ends up wasting a lot of time and money (Simon, 1995). The power that the present jury system has is also a source of several disadvantages that affect the system. Since any power can be abused, makes it easy for juries coming to court to have individual prejudices and biases thus not guaranteeing fair verdict (Abramson, 2008). Moreover, the fact that the present jury system is composed of laypersons; this brings in the issue of effectiveness during the trial process. When jurors are faced with murder cases, there is a likelihood that they are experiencing such a situation for the first time. There might also be no adequate frame of reference thus affecting the final decision (Abramson, 2008).Â
Monday, July 22, 2019
Hsbc Case Essay Example for Free
Hsbc Case Essay HSBC is known as the â€Å"World’s local bank†. Originally called the HongKong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, HSBC was established in 1865 to finance the growing trade between China and the United Kingdom. HSBC is now the second largest bank in the world, serving 100 million customers through 9,500 branches in 79 countries. The company is organized by business line (personal financial services; customer finance; commercial banking; corporate investment banking and markets; private banking), as well as by goegraphic segment (Asia-Pacific, U. K. /Eurozone, North America/NAFTA, South America, Middle East). Despite operating in 79 different countries, the bank works hard to maintain a local feel and local knowledge in each area. HSBC’s fundamental operating strategy is to remain close to its customers. As HSBC chairman Sir John Bond said in November 2003, â€Å"Our position as the world’s local bank enables us to approach each country uniquely, blending local knowledge with a worldwide operating platform†. For example, consider HSBC’s local marketing efforts in New York City. To prove to jaded New Yorkers that the London-based financial behemoth was â€Å"the world’s local bank. HSBC held a â€Å"New York City’s Most knowledgeable Cabbie†contest. The winning cabbie gets paid to drive full-time for HSBC for the year, and HSBC customers win, too. Any customer showing an HSBC bankcard, checkbook, or bank statement can get a free ride in the HSBC-branded Bankcab. The campaign demonstrates HSBC’s local knowledge. â€Å"In order to ma ke New Yorkers believe you’re local, you have to act local,†said Renegade Marketing Group’s CEO Drew Neisser. Across the world in Hong Kong, HSBC undertook a different campaign. In the region hit hard by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak, HSBC launched a program to revitalize the local economy. HSBC â€Å"plowed back interest payments†to customers who worked in industries most affected by SARS (cinemas, hotels, restaurants, and travel agencies). The program eased its customers financial burden. The bank also promoted Hong Kong’s commercial sector by offering discounts and rebates for customers who use an HSBC credit card when shopping and dining out, to help businesses affected by the downturn. More than 1,500 local merchants participated in the promotion. In addition to local marketing, HSBC does niche marketing. For example, it found a little-known product area that was growing at 125 percent a year : pet insurance. In December 2003 it announced that it will distribute nationwide per insurance through its HSBC Insurance agency, making the insurance available to its depositors. HSBC also segments demographically. In the United states, the Bank will target the immigrant population, particularly Hispanics, now that it has acquired Bital in Mexico, where many migrants to the United States deposit money. Overall, the bank has been consciously pulling together its worldwide business under a single global brand with the â€Å"World’s local bank†slogan. The aim is to link its international size with close relationships in each of the countries in which it operates. The company spends $600 million annually on global marketing and will likely consolidate and use fewer ad agencies. HSBC will decide who gets the account by giving each agency a â€Å"brand-strategy exercise. †Agencies will be vying for the account by improving on HSBC’s number 37 global brand ranking
Sunday, July 21, 2019
General Adaption Syndrome and Post Traumatic Stress
General Adaption Syndrome and Post Traumatic Stress Hans Selye (1907-1982), an Austrian-born physician who emigrated to Canada in 1939, the general adaptation syndrome represents a three-stage reaction to stress. Selye explained his choice of terminology as follows: I call this syndrome general because it is produced only by agents which have a general effect upon large portions of the body. I call it adaptive because it stimulates defenseà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. I call it a syndrome because its individual manifestations are coordinated and even partly dependent upon each other. Most of his research is concerned with formulating a code of behavior based on the laws governing the bodys stress resistance in dealing with personal, interpersonal and group problems. General Adaption Syndrome General adaptation syndrome, or GAS, is a term used to describe the bodys short-term and long-term reactions to stress. Stressors in humans include such physical stressors as starvation, being hit by a car, or suffering through severe weather. Additionally, humans can suffer such emotional or mental stressors as the loss of a loved one, the inability to solve a problem, or even having a difficult day at work. This picture is adapted from general adaptation syndrome represents a three-stage reaction to stress. Stage 1: alarm reaction (ar) The first stage of the general adaptation stage, the alarm reaction, is the immediate reaction to a stressor. In the initial phase of stress, We prepare to: battle (fight) or escape (flight) Fight can be determined as to battle or fight with something, and flight can be determined as run away with something or sometimes you in a situation that you cant deal with it. That animal reacts to threats with a general discharge of the sympathetic nervous system, priming the animal for fighting or fleeing. This response was later recognized as the first stage of a general adaptation syndrome that regulates stress responses among vertebrates and other organisms. This is an involuntary physical response to danger which dissipates once we perceive the source of stress is removed. Stage 2: stage of resistance (sr) Stage 2 might also be named the stage of adaptation, instead of the stage of resistance. During this phase, if the stress continues, the body adapts to the stressors it is exposed to. Stage 3: stage of exhaustion (se) At this stage, the stress has continued for some time. The bodys resistance to the stress may gradually be reduced, or may collapse quickly. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an emotional illness that that is classified as an anxiety disorder and usually develops as a result of a terribly frightening, life-threatening, or otherwise highly unsafe experience. PTSD sufferers re-experience the traumatic event or events in some way, tend to avoid places, people, or other things that remind them of the event (avoidance), and are exquisitely sensitive to normal life experiences (hyper arousal). Although this condition has likely existed since human beings have endured trauma, PTSD has only been recognized as a formal diagnosis since 1980. However, it was called by different names as early as the American Civil War, when combat veterans were referred to as suffering from soldiers heart. This picture is adapted from Overview of the effects of stress on your body This picture is adapted from The body doesnt distinguish between physical and psychological threats. When youre stressed over a busy schedule, an argument with a friend, a traffic jam, or a mountain of bills, your body reacts just as strongly as if you were facing a life-or-death situation. If you have a lot of responsibilities and worries, your emergency stress response may be on most of the time. The more your bodys stress system is activated, the easier it is to trip and the harder it is to shut off. PTSD is believed to be caused by either physical trauma or psychological trauma, or more frequently a combination of both. Traumatic events that may cause PTSD symptoms to develop include violent assault, kidnapping, and sexual assault, torture, being a hostage, prisoner of war or concentration camp victim, experiencing a disaster, violent automobile accidents or getting a diagnosis of a life-threatening illness. Children or adults may develop PTSD symptoms by experiencing bullying or mobbing. Preliminary research suggests that child abuse may interact with mutations in a stress-related gene to increase the risk of PTSD in adults. Stress can increase certain hormone levels inside the body. They include catecholamine (nor epinephrine, epinephrine and dopamine) and cortisol. Catecholamines are a component of sympathetic nervous system which prepares the body for an emergency. They increase the heart rate, blood pressure and divert more blood to the muscles. Cortisol is a hormone synthesized by the adrenal cortex and it increases the available glucose levels, lipid levels in the blood. In addition cortisol causes a reduction in immunity. These hormones prepare the body to fight or run away in a dangerous life threatening situations. However chronically elevated stress hormones can cause disease. Prolonged elevation of stress hormones can occur in chronic stress situations such as caring for a dependent person with terminal illness or in frequent acute stressors such as getting scolded numerous times by the boss. Direct effect of stress on body C:UsersluluAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5ZV69X961MC900021513[1].wmf Heart disease and stroke Increased blood sugar and lipid levels may increase the risk of heart diseases and stroke. In addition increased sympathetic over activity due to catecholamine may lead to increased blood pressure. Hypertension or increased blood pressure is another risk factor for heart diseases. Sexual problems In addition, increased stress hormones can cause reduced sexual drive and sexual dysfunction. This will lead to family disharmony and relationship problems. Increased risk of infections Reduced immunity due to increased cortisol levels can lead to various infections. It will cause deterioration of the general wellbeing [3 and 4]. For an example chronic stress can cause impaired wound healing [5]. Depression Prolonged elevation of cortisol is known to cause depression [7]. Therefore chronic stress can indeed cause depression. Gastric ulcers Chronic stress can increase the gastric acid secretion [6]. Increased gastric acid secretion can cause heart burn and gastric ulcers. Indirect effects of stress on body C:UsersluluAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5YK5A4VMUMC900056994[1].wmf Increased risk behavior Risk behavior such as alcohol consumption, drugs abuse and smoking can increase with stress. In addition some people may tend to overeat due to stress. These behaviors can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Drug abuse Some people with stress tend to abuse prescription drugs such as Ambien, Valium or opiates. These drugs in over dosage can be lethal. In addition people who abuse drugs usually take a mixture of several dangerous drugs. It can precipitate some disastrous drug interactions which can cause death or disability. Summary Stress is the human bodys response to change and adjustment. It can help people to cope with an acute change. However, stress that occurs frequently can cause serious harm to your body. Therapy used for Post Traumatic Stress Patients This picture is adapted from Today, there are good treatments available for PTSD. When you have PTSD, dealing with the past can be hard. Instead of telling others how you feel, you may keep your feelings bottled up. But talking with a therapist can help you get better. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one type of counseling. It appears to be the most effective type of counseling for PTSD. The VA is providing two forms of cognitive behavioral therapy to Veterans with PTSD: Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) and Prolonged Exposure (PE) therapy. To learn more about these types of therapy, see our fact sheets listed on the Treatment page. There is also a similar kind of therapy called eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) that is used for PTSD. Medications have also been shown to be effective. A type of drug known as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), which is also used for depression, is effective for PTSD. Types of cognitive behavioral therapy In cognitive therapy, therapist helps patient to understand and change how patient think about they trauma and its aftermath. They goal is to understand how certain thoughts about they trauma because the stress and make they symptoms worse. Types of exposure behavioral therapy In exposure therapy patients goal is to have less fear about they memories. It is based on the idea that people learn to fear thoughts, feelings, and situations that remind them of a past traumatic event. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is another type of therapy for PTSD. Like other kinds of counseling, it can help change how patient react to memories of they trauma. Medication Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are a type of antidepressant medicine. These can help people feel less sad and worried. They appear to be helpful, and for some people they are very effective. Other types of treatment Some other kinds of counseling may be helpful in your recovery. However, more evidence is needed to support these types of treatment for PTSD. Group therapy Many people want to talk about their trauma with others who have had similar experiences. In group therapy, people talk with a group of people who also have been through a trauma and who have PTSD. Sharing they stories with others may help people feel more comfortable talking about your trauma. This can help people cope with they symptoms, memories, and other parts of they life. Brief psychodynamic psychotherapy In this type of therapy, people learn ways of dealing with emotional conflicts caused by they trauma. This therapy helps people understand how they past affects the way they feel now. Family therapy Family therapy is a type of counseling that involves patient whole family. A therapist helps patient and them family to communicate, maintain good relationships, and cope with tough emotions. They family can learn more about PTSD and how it is treated. How long does treatment last? CBT treatment for PTSD often lasts for 3 to 6 months. Other types of treatment for PTSD can last longer. If you have other mental health problems as well as PTSD, treatment may last for 1 to 2 years or longer. PART B RESEARCH C:UsersluluAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5O5C30NJMMC900437563[1].wmf Overview of the companies stress alleviation activities Introduction of company The Coca-Cola Company is the worlds largest beverage company. Along with Coca- Cola, recognized as the worlds most valuable brand, it markets four of the worlds top five soft drink brands. How Coca-Cola Company alleviate stress for their employees This picture is adapted from employee has holidays each year for helping employees to develop they stress. During holiday season, families and businesses can spend wisely on both personal and business gifts. These days, pretty much everyone on holiday gift list is dealing with a degree of stress. These holidays are basic on public holidays and some other holidays, for example Christmas, New Year etc. The coca-cola company often encourages employees to do some physical exercises. Exercise is a good way to deal with stress because it is a healthy way to relieve employee pent-up energy and tension. It also helps employee get in better shape, which makes employee feel better overall. By getting physically active, employee can decrease they levels of anxiety and stress, and elevate they moods. This picture is adapted from employees were more often likely to choose Yoga-at-Work. Yoga-at-Work is a low-cost and innovative solution for companies wanting to reduce health care expenses, relieve workplace stress and promote employee well-being. The performance of a corporation depends on the performance of its key assets-employees. Healthy employees are more productive and more cost effective. Male employees were more often likely to choose to go gym. E.g. Virgin Active or Discourage. To go to gym are more expensive than Yoga-At-Work but it can help males to get more muscles so when they looks good they will feels good. Numerous studies have shown that people who begin exercise programs, either at home or at work, demonstrate a marked improvement in their ability to concentrate, are able to sleep better, suffer from fewer illnesses, suffer from less pain, and report a much higher quality of life than those who do not exercise. Coca Cola Company has been taking the lead in addressing the epidemic of stress by instituting workplace wellness programs that include a significant stress-reduction component. The most effective of these programs are the ones that integrate physical activity and nutritional programs alongside stress-management training. Businesses that have instituted activity-based workplace wellness programs have enjoyed a $3.00-$5.00 return on every dollar invested in the form of decreased health care costs, decreased absenteeism, increased productivity, decreased employee turnover, and reduced insurance costs. This picture is adapted from Supplements, the lunch support by the Coca Cola company restaurant is been well prepared. There are types of nutritional supplements that can help with stress: those that help to reduce stress and those that help the body better cope with the effects of stress. PART C CREATE Nutritional Supplements There are two types of nutritional supplements that can help with stress: those that help to reduce stress, and those that help the body better cope with the effects of stress. Supplements that help to reduce stress belong to a class of herbs that help the body relax. Herbs such as chamomile, skullcap, valerian, and lavender help to clear a hurried mind and calm intense emotions. People typically drink these herbs as teas. Supplements to help the body better cope with the physical effects of stress are the B-vitamins and zinc. When you are under stress, your need for zinc and the B-vitamins goes up considerably. If you dont have enough of these, your health will suffer, which is why people often become sick when they are under a lot of stress. Taking a B-complex supplement along with zinc will help to protect your body from the negative effects of stress.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Cima Defines Management Accounting As The Process Of Identification Accounting Essay
Cima Defines Management Accounting As The Process Of Identification Accounting Essay Accounting is the methodical or precise recording, reporting, and assessment of financial deals and transactions of a business. Accounting also involves the preparation of statements or declarations concerning assets, liabilities, and outcomes of operations of a business CIMA defines Management Accounting as the process of identification, measurement, calculation, analysis, preparation, interpretation and communication of information used by management to plan, evaluate and control within an entity and to ensure appropriate use of and accountability for its resources. An important contrast between the two segments of accounting is that management accounting is not mandatory in the sense that a company is free to do as much or as little as it likes and no regulatory bodies or agencies specify what is to be done, or, for that matter, whether anything is to be done at all. The sole objective of management accounting is to provide the managers with a detailed analysis of the cost incurred and to assist them develop strategies to increase profits and reduce costs. Costing is a function which links both financial and management accounting. Without proper product cost information a manufacturing, wholesale or retail organization would be unable to segregate the cost of sold and unsold outputs. Such segregation is essential to obtain periodic profitability measurement. Introduction of finance Finance can be defined as the art and science of managing money. Virtually all individuals and organization earn or raise money and spend or invest money. Finance is concerned with the process, institutions, markets and instruments involved in the transfer of money among and between individuals, business and governments. Finance, in another word, can be defined as the management of the flows of money through an organization, whether it be a corporation, school, bank, or government agency. Finance concerns itself with the actual flows of money as well as any claims against money. The term financial management, managerial finance, corporate finance, and business finance are virtually synonymous and are used interchangeably, most of the managerial finance. Finance is regarded as the life-blood of the business unit. This function involves planning, procurement and effective utilisation of the funds of the business. Relationship Between finance and accounting Finance concerns with account because financial accounting is one branch of accounting. Accounting relates to booking of the historical transaction of an organization and it leads to preparation of financial status of the company stating that asset and what liabilities are held by the entity as on the day when relevant period like a year ends i.e. Balance Sheet Financial status is concluded from the accounting records (i.e. balance sheet, profit and loss account). Account keeps the record of the organizations income, expenditure, asset liabilities and by evaluating those transactions finance makes the decision for investment like where to invest? How much funds to invest? Etc. In a short form we can say that where account ends of keeping records, finance starts the work by evaluating them. Finance is connected with accounting. The accounting process produces one of the essential raw materials needed to make financial decisions, financial data. Accounting is a tool for handling only the financial aspects of business operations. It is geared to the financial ends of business only because these are measurable on the scale of money values. The distinction between financial management and management accounting is semantic one, but the gap between the two is rapidly closing. Financial management, however, has the broader meaning of planning and control of all activities by financial means, while management accounting originally meant the internal management of finance. The accountant devotes his attention to the collection and presentation of financial data. The financial officer evaluates the accountant statements, develops additional data and arrives at decisions based on his analysis. As a matter of fact, sound financial management is a matter of good accounting Accounting and Finance is a very important function of any business either for profit making or for non-profit making institutions. It provides an avenue where a business analyses its operations in terms of what they own, what comes and what goes out. This write-up looks deeper into the accounting and financial processes in an organization and the problems associated with these processes. The introduction part tries to look into the meaning of accounting and finance and the processes involved in each case. The main discussion focuses on deeper diagnosis of the problems encountered in accounting and financial processes. Functions of the business The function of a business can be divided into two parts.1) Primary function 2) secondary function Primary function is a function of that kind which is needed basically to operate an organization. The primary function of business can be divide into these parts Finance function Production function Marketing function Finance function: finance is regarded as the life blood of the business unit. This function involves planning, procurement and effective utilization of the funds of business. Without finance function it is not possible to run a business Production function: The function of production involves making or production of a product or creating services by using human resource, raw materials and capital. A number of process, technology, and techniques are use for production. It entails plant location and layout, plant building, production planning and quality control. For the production function it involves with human resource function and finance function of business. Since production helps in the creation of utilities, this has been considered as the most important function of the business. Marketing functions: this function is primarily linked with the distribution of manufactured product or services. It involves with the sale of the product. For that function it uses human resource and finance. For smooth marketing of the product, the marketing manager decides on the product, its packing and branding, deciding the distribution channel and promoting the future sales. Secondary function of the business is accounting. When a business comes in an operation, it has its some transactions of income and expenditures. Those transactions lies in accounting function of the business. The secondary function can be divided into these parts Collect and analyze data from business transactions. Keep transactions according to system of accounting Prepare financial statements Send the report to other departments of the business. Relating finance with other business functions Financial management is an integral part of overall management. It is not a totally independent. Finance is omnipresent and it is associated with the plans and results of every functional department because every proposal and every decision entails financial problems or has an influence on financial results. it is closely associated with economics, accounting and interfaces with such areas as marketing, production, human resource management and quantitative techniques. Finance and economics: Finance and economics are closely related. Economics as defined by economist is the study humans behavior in producing, exchanging, and definition the materials, goods and services he wants. The definition is somewhat similar to our definition of finance. Finance might be viewed as the study of economics events in which it is possible to put a rupee sign on the transaction. In this context, finance is an application of economics. The individual interested in making financial decision is well served by having a sound foundation in economics. The link between economics and financial management is close. A study of financial management is likely to be barren if it is divorced from the study of economics. Financial management has, in fact, evolved over the years as an autonomous branch of economics. . Finance and marketing: Financial management is intimately related with marketing. The financial manager while formulating credit and collection policies for the firm must consult the marketing manager because these policies directly affect magnitude of sales of the firm. Whether to sell for credit, to what extent and on what terms are parts of the sales strategy of a firm. But they have financial implications too because the funds will be tied up in receivables must be made available and any shift in policies will affect on receivables. Thus this aspect of business decisions involves both sales and finance. Alongside this, the financial manager will have to draw upon the fundamentals of marketing while deciding whether to invest funds in a given business enterprises and in discovering how to market stocks and bonds (R.M. srivastava; 1986). What marketing personnel forecast, the financial manager then determines the financial dimension of the forecasts. Finance and Production Function: Financial management is also closely associated with production functions. Any changes in the production functions may necessitate capital expenditures, which the financial manager must evaluate and finance. He is primarily responsible for supplying funds to finance inventory and fixed assets, which must earn sufficient return to cover the cast involved in procuring funds. Finance and human resources management: Human resources management, the management of investment in personnel or employees has important financial considerations. At the organizational level, financial manager must decide whether it would be profitable to finance special training for employees or not. Finance and Quantitative techniques: Financial management is also closely related with quantitative techniques. The advance study of finance requires considerable sophistication in quantitative methods. An understanding of statistical techniques appears to be especially valuable since May financial decisions rely on observing relationship and acting on the basis of these relationships. particulars Debit ( £) Credit ( £) Stock 1.1 Purchase Fuel power Building Salaries Machinery Debtors Cash at bank Wages Carriage outward Investment Rent Stationery Goodwill Interest in debenture Sales Share capital Creditors Reserve fund Profit and loss appropriation account 6% debenture 30000 550000 5000 200000 10000 200000 100000 25000 20000 5000 200000 10000 20000 20000 5000 800000 450000 10000 20000 20000 100000 Total Trial Balance Adjustments Closing stock at the end of the year was of  £ 30000 Provide Depreciation on building at 5% and machinery at 10% and provision for doubtful debts to be maintained at 5% on sundry debtors Outstanding salary was  £2000 and wages were prepaid for  £ 3000 The Directors decided to pay 10% dividend on paid up capital and transfer  £10,000 to the reserve fund out of profit. particulars Debit  £ particulars Credit  £ To stock 1-1 To purchase To fuel, power To wages 20000 Less, pre-paid 3000 To gross profit c/d To Depreciationed 30000 550000 5000 17000 228000 By sales By closing stock 800000 30000 830000 830000 Total 830000 Total 830000
Ecofeminism: The Feminism of Ecology Essay examples -- Ecofeminism
There are many, different oppressions throughout human society that are intricately woven together and interconnected. Many of these oppressions are formed within a patriarchal, Christian theology and involve the body: the body of Earth, the bodies of women, the body of animals. Sallie McFague sets up a model of bodies to help break these connected oppressions. McFague’s work emphasizes that the body and its oppressions are what connects Christian theology, feminism, and ecology. Her model focuses on the metaphorical idea that the body of the earth is the body of God (McFague, 1993). To better understand this model, we must first examine how bodies have been viewed and affected within the Christian religion framework of our western culture. Christianity has a long tradition of focusing on embodiment. Its basic practices and ideas of incarnation, Christology, the Resurrection, and the Eucharist, even the metaphor of the church being the body of Christ, all involve embodiment in some way (McFague, 1993). Yet, with these embodiment characteristics of Christianity, this religion still devalues nature and women’s bodies. It has set up a patriarchal framework for western culture of devaluing the body, and women. â€Å"Western culture and religion have a long, painful history of demeaning the female by identifying her with the body and with nature, while elevating the male by identifying him with reason and spirit†(McFague, 1993). This idea reinforces stereotypes that oppress women and separates the body from the mind and soul. Until we reconcile this dis connect of the body and mind, we cannot fully love all bodies; this leads to the inability to love the â€Å"body†of the earth (McFague, 1993). Without this love, we cannot fully appreciate ... ...hange and Global Warming Introduction. Global Issues. Retrieved from United Nations Population Funds (2009, November 18). Facing a Changing World: Women, Population, and Climate. State of the World’s Population, UNFPA. Retrieved from Warren, K. J. (1995). The Power and the Promise of Ecological Feminism. In M. H. MacKinnon & M. McIntyre (Eds.), Readings in Ecology and Feminist Theology (172-195). Kansas City: Sheed and Ward. Winerman, L. (2005). The Mind’s Mirror. Monitor on Psychology, 36. Retrieved from Young, H. (2013). Why We Won’t Stop Global Warming. Aljazeera. Retrieved from
Friday, July 19, 2019
Attitude in All Quiet on the Western Front :: essays research papers
All Quiet on the Western Front All Quiet on the Western Front shows the change in attitudes of the men before and during the war. This novel is able to portray the overwhelming effects and power war has to deteriorate the human spirit. Starting out leaving you're home and family and ready to fight for you country, to ending up tired and scarred both physically and mentally beyond description. At the beginning of the novel nationalist feelings are present through pride of Paul and the rest of the boys. However at the end of the war it is apparent how pointless war really is. All Quiet on the Western Front is a novel that greatly helps in the understanding the effects war. The novel best shows the attitudes of the soldiers before the war and during the war. Before the war there are high morals and growing nationalist feelings. During the war however, the soldiers discover the trauma of war. They discover that it is a waste of time and their hopes and dreams of their life fly further and further away. The remains of Paul Baumer's company had moved behind the German front les for a short rest at the beginning of the novel. After Baumer became Paul's first dead schoolmate, Paul viewed the older generation bitterly, particularly Kantorek, the teacher who convinced Paul and his classmates to join the military. " While they taut that duty to one's country is the greatest thing, we already that death-throes are stronger.... And we saw that there was nothing of their world left. We were all at once terribly alone, and alone we must see it through."(P. 13) Paul fe lt completely betrayed. " We will make ourselves comfortable and sleep, and eat as much as we can stuff into our bellies, and drink and smoke so that hours are not wasted. Life is short." (P 139) Views of death and becoming more comfortable with their destiny in the r became more apparent throughout the novel. Paul loses faith in the war in each passing day. * Through out the novel it was evident that the war scarred the soldiers permanently mentally. Everyone was scared to go to war when it started. Young recruits were first sent because the veterans knew they were going to come back dead. "When we runt again, although I am very excited, I suddenly think: "where's Himmelstoss?" Quickly I jump back into the dug-out and find him with a small scratch lying in a corner pretending to be wounded.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Erikson and Meet the Parents
Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development details eight different stages describing a healthy human’s development from infancy to late adulthood. Each stage presents a new conflict between a biological and sociocultural force. Successful negotiation of these forces results in the individual moving the next stage with the favored attribute. Mastery of each stage’s challenges isn’t necessary to advance to the next stage but unconquered challenges are likely to reappear in the future. Almost every movie out exemplifies some form of family dynamics and Erikson’s stages of development.However, the movie I chose to demonstrate two characters in two different psychosocial development stages is Meet the Parents. Meet the Parents depicts Greg Focker’s struggle to gain his girlfriend Pam’s dad’s approval for her hand in marriage. For many men asking the love of your life’s dad for approval to marry her can be a very nerve-r acking and scary experience. For Greg, a Jewish male nurse, Murphy’s Law takes over and the situation becomes more embarrassing than expected. It doesn’t help that Pam’s father is a strict, overbearing, ex CIA agent with a lie detector in the basement.The two characters I will be relating to different stages of Erikson’s developmental theory are Greg Focker and his soon to be father-in-law Jack Byrnes. Greg Focker is definitely in the Intimacy vs. Isolation stage of development that typically occurs between ages 20-24. His existential question is â€Å"Can Love? †Greg has established his career and identity and is open to the ideas of love and marriage. He is ready to make a long-term commitment and has done so with Pam, his live in girlfriend.Their intimate, reciprocal relationship has made Greg willing to make sacrifices and compromises required to make her happy and their relationship function. This concept is exemplified throughout the movie a s Greg goes to great lengths to gain the approval of his loved one’s father, Jack. Since Greg has been able to form an intimate relationship with Pam, intimacy has prevailed over isolation. Jack Byrnes is in middle adulthood; his internal conflict is generativity vs. stagnation. The main question faced by individuals between the ages of 25-64 is â€Å"Can I Make My Life Count? Generativity is the concern of guiding the next generation. Jack already possesses a sense of generativity since he has been married, raised a family and contributed to society through his career in the CIA. He is now concerned about the next generation of his family, his daughter’s family and offspring. Although his daughter is grown he is still trying to help her grow into a responsible adult and having trouble accepting her soon to be spouse. However, in the end he does learn to accept Greg and master generativity; as a result he is on his way to the last stage of life which focuses on the vi rtue of wisdom. Erikson and Meet the Parents Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development details eight different stages describing a healthy human’s development from infancy to late adulthood. Each stage presents a new conflict between a biological and sociocultural force. Successful negotiation of these forces results in the individual moving the next stage with the favored attribute. Mastery of each stage’s challenges isn’t necessary to advance to the next stage but unconquered challenges are likely to reappear in the future. Almost every movie out exemplifies some form of family dynamics and Erikson’s stages of development.However, the movie I chose to demonstrate two characters in two different psychosocial development stages is Meet the Parents. Meet the Parents depicts Greg Focker’s struggle to gain his girlfriend Pam’s dad’s approval for her hand in marriage. For many men asking the love of your life’s dad for approval to marry her can be a very nerve-r acking and scary experience. For Greg, a Jewish male nurse, Murphy’s Law takes over and the situation becomes more embarrassing than expected. It doesn’t help that Pam’s father is a strict, overbearing, ex CIA agent with a lie detector in the basement.The two characters I will be relating to different stages of Erikson’s developmental theory are Greg Focker and his soon to be father-in-law Jack Byrnes. Greg Focker is definitely in the Intimacy vs. Isolation stage of development that typically occurs between ages 20-24. His existential question is â€Å"Can Love? †Greg has established his career and identity and is open to the ideas of love and marriage. He is ready to make a long-term commitment and has done so with Pam, his live in girlfriend.Their intimate, reciprocal relationship has made Greg willing to make sacrifices and compromises required to make her happy and their relationship function. This concept is exemplified throughout the movie a s Greg goes to great lengths to gain the approval of his loved one’s father, Jack. Since Greg has been able to form an intimate relationship with Pam, intimacy has prevailed over isolation. Jack Byrnes is in middle adulthood; his internal conflict is generativity vs. stagnation. The main question faced by individuals between the ages of 25-64 is â€Å"Can I Make My Life Count? Generativity is the concern of guiding the next generation. Jack already possesses a sense of generativity since he has been married, raised a family and contributed to society through his career in the CIA. He is now concerned about the next generation of his family, his daughter’s family and offspring. Although his daughter is grown he is still trying to help her grow into a responsible adult and having trouble accepting her soon to be spouse. However, in the end he does learn to accept Greg and master generativity; as a result he is on his way to the last stage of life which focuses on the vi rtue of wisdom.
Outline Home school and private school Essay
What ii objects, people, subjects, or concepts are you going to similarn and contrast? What are the similarities surrounded by the deuce objects, people, subjects, or concepts? List as more(prenominal) similarities that you sight think of. Learning, working yourself towards a diploma to a better future, stuff and nonsense used is the same (textbooks, quizzes, test) What are the dissentences between the two objects, people, subjects, or concepts? List as umteen differences that you can think of. situationschool you pee-pee more 1 on iodine back up and attention, greater social interaction in creation schools, fights and bullying arent as likely in spotschool, tractableness in schedules Are you going to localize on similarities, differences, or two? apologise your rationale.I think its chief(prenominal) to focus on both I believe there are more difference than similarities when it comes to homeschool vs. ordinary school What do you want your readers to learn and understand afterwards reading your assay? What is the purpose of your essay? The purpose is to show that while homeschool and public schools are different they both consecrate their positive benefits and you have to choose the one that best suits you and your family. What three reduplicate points of similitude or contrast will you pass over in your essay?For example, if you were going to canvass and contrast two instructors, your three parallel points might be these each(prenominal) teachers homework policyEach teachers classroom mastermind policyEach teachers demeanor affable Interaction tractableness of schedule and submitting assignments.Bullying IssuesExplain wherefore this is an appropriate and workable topic survival for the final assignment. This topic is appropriate for me because my hubby and I have actually been discussing moving our children from public to home school referable to my child being bullied by an honest-to-goodness child. So I feel like choosin g this topic can teach me something and help me in the future to brand name decisions for my give birth children.1. What is your chosen topic from the list?Home School vs. Public School2. entrust you be comparing or contrast the items?I will be comparing and contrasting home school and public school there are many important differences as well as similarities. 3. Will you be organizing your essay point-by-point or by subject? Point by point4. What 3 characteristics will you be comparing or contrasting? Social interaction in public vs. home school, bullying, and the flexibility of schedules between both 5. What is your brainstorm plan?I will lead my ideas down as they come to me, I will research the differences and similarities, then make a rough draft.E get a shipway and written letter vary because of the time involved for both senders and recipients. Emails are typed, and earn are hand-written. write is often quicker compared to hand writing. Emails can be move with the c lick of a button. Letters must be sealed, stamped, and sent by what is today deemed snail mail. Emails can be sent overmuch quicker than hand written letters. A recipient can go into his or her email account and quickly limited review an email. Letter recipients must wait for the mail, airfoil the envelope and unfold the paper. Recipients receive emails much faster than those receiving written letters. Ultimately, emails and written letters have various differences in the ways that the messages are written, sent, and received, but they also differ because of the popularity of each.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Bloodsucking Fiends: A Love Story Chapter 2~3
Chapter 2Death Warmed oerShe realised insects scurrying in a higher egress her in the darkness, touch sensati whizzd burnt flesh, and matt-up a heavy weight crush tear d confess on her screening. Oh my God, hes buried me alive.Her face was touch oer against something hard and c honest-to-god stone, she thought until she timbered the oil in the asphalt. Panic seized her and she struggled to liquidate her manpower under her. Her go away hand lit up with pain as she pushed. at that place was a rattle and a thundery clang and she was standing. The dumpster that had been on her butt lay oer false, spilling ice-skating rink crosswise the eitherey. She looked at it in disbelief. It must go weighed a ton. Fear and adrenaline, she thought. thusce she looked at her unexpended hand and screamed. It was horribly burned, the top layer of discase mysterious and cracked. She ran aside of the wholeey looking for help, precisely the track was empty. Ive got to undertak e to a hospital, bellow the police.She patched a return sound a personnel casualty chimney of earnestness rose from the lamp above it. She looked up and surmount the empty stree diagramt. Above separately street lamp she could disclose estrus rising in personnel casualty fly highs. She could harken the buzzing of the electric slew wires above her, the steady stream of the sewers running under the street. She could smell dead fish and diesel fuel in the fog, the decay of the Oakland mudflats across the bay, old French fries, poove plainlyts, bread crusts and fetid pastrami from a nearby tripe can, and the residual flavor of Aramis wafting under the limens of the brokerage houses and banks. She could hear wisps of fog brushing against the buildings interchangeable wet velvet. It was as if her senses, homogeneous her strength, had been turned up by adrenaline.She agitate glowering the spectrum of sounds and smells and ran to the phone, memory her damaged hand by the wrist. As she gestured, she felt a roughness inwardly her blouse against her skin. With her right hand she pulled at the silk, yanking it fall out of her skirt. loads of money bring down out of her blouse to the side flip. She stop and stared at the bound blocks of hundred-dollar heights lying at her feet.She thought, There must be a hundred thousand dollars here. A homosexual attacked me, choked me, second base my cope, burned my hand, therefore stuffed my tog full of money and pose a dumpster on me and like a shotadays I can see heat and hear fog. Ive won Satans lottery.She ran mainstay to the alley, leave the money on the sidewalk. With her upright hand she riffled by dint of the trash spilled from the dumpster until she imbed a paper protrude. Then she returned to the sidewalk and loaded the money into the bag.At the pay phone she had to do some juggling to get the phone off the hook and dialed without putting down the money and without using her injured hand. She argueed 911 and piece of music she waited for it to ring she looked at the burn. Really, it looked worse than it felt. She tried to twist the hand and black skin cracked. Boy, that should shock. It should gross me out too, she thought, solely it doesnt. In fact, I dont rightfully whole tone that bad, considering. Ive been more sore by and by a enlivened of racquetball with Kurt. Strange.The pass receiver c drub and a muliebritys voice came on the line. Hello, youve r severallyed the bump off for San Francisco unavoidableness services. If you are currently in danger, puppy love one if the danger has passed and you gloss over lead help, gouge two.Jody bordered two.If you consume been robbed, touch one. If youve been in an accident, press two. If youve been assaulted, press threesome. If you are trade to re way a fir treee, press four. If youve Jody ran the choices through her head and pressed three.If youve been s torrid, press one. Stabbed, press t wo. Raped, press three. All other assaults, press four. If youd equal to hear these choices again, press five.Jody meant to press four, but hit five instead. There was a series of clicks and the recorded voice came moxie on.Hello, youve reached the number for San Francisco parking brake services. If you are currently in danger Jody slammed the receiver down and it shattered in her hand, nearly bash the phone off the pole. She jumped back and looked at the damage. Adrenaline, she thought.Ill call Kurt. He can bring forth get me and take me to the hospital. She looked around for a nonher pay phone. There was one by her bus stop. When she reached it she realised that she didnt form either change. Her purse had been in her briefcase and her briefcase was gone. She tried to remember her calling mentality number, but she and Kurt had only preemptd in together a month ago and she hadnt memorized it yet. She separateed up and dialed the operator. Id like to make a collect call from Jody. She gave the operator the number and waited plot of land it rang. The machine picked up.It looks like no one is home, the operator utter.Hes screening his calls, Jody insisted. except tell him Im sorry, we arent allowed to leave messages.Hanging up, Jody destroyed the phone this time, on purpose.She thought, Pounds of hundred-dollar bills and I cant make a mend phone call. And Kurts screening his calls I must be very late youd think he could pick up. If I wasnt so pissed off, Id cry.Her hand had halt aching comp permitely now, and when she looked at it again it seemed to realize better a bit. Im acquire loopy, she thought. Post-traumatic loopiness. And Im hungry. I acquire medical attention, I need a good meal, I need a sympathetic cop, a glass of wine, a hot bath, a hug, my auto-teller card so I can deposit this money. I needThe 42 bus rounded the tree and Jody instinctively felt in her crest take for her bus pass. It was unchanging there. The bus sto pped and the inlet opened. She flashed her pass at the driver as she boarded. He grunted. She sat in the first butt joint, facing three other passengers.Jody had been riding the buses for five years, and occasionally, because of work or a late movie, she had to ride them at night. provided tonight, with her sensory haircloth frizzing wild and full of dirt, her nylons ripped, her fount wrinkled and stained disheveled, disoriented, and desperate she felt that she correspond in for the first time. The psychos lit up at the sight of her.Parking space a muliebrity in the back blurted out. Jody looked up.Parking space The wo serviceman wore a flowered housecoat and Mickey computer mouse ears. She pointed out the bendow and shouted, Parking spaceJody looked away, embarrassed. She understood, though. She owned a car, a fast-flying little Honda hatchback, and since she had found a parking space outside her flat tire a month ago, she had only moved it on Tuesday nights, whe n the street sweeper went by and moved it back as soon as the sweeper had passed. Claim-jumping was a tradition in the urban center you had to guard a space with your life. Jody had perceive that there were parking spaces in Chinatown that had been in families for generations, watched over like the graves of esteemed ancestors, and protected by no little palm-greasing to the Chinese street gangs.Parking space the muliebrity shouted.Jody glanced across the aisle and committed eye contact with a scruffy bearded man in an overcoat. He grinned shyly, because slowly pulled aside the flap of his overcoat to reveal an impressive erection peeking out the port of his khakis.Jody returned the grin and pulled her burned, blackened hand out of her jacket and held it up for him. Bested, he closed his overcoat, slouched in his seat and sulked. Jody was amazed that shed make it.Next to the bearded man sat a young woman who was furiously unknitting a sweater into a yarn bag, as if she wou ld go until she got to the end of the yarn, then reknit the sweater. An old man in a tweed suit and a wool deerstalker sat next to the knitting woman, keeping a move stick between his knees. either fewer seconds he let loose with a rattling coughing fit, then fought to get his active spell back while he wiped his eyeball with a silk handkerchief. He saw Jody looking at him and smiled apologetically. good a nippy, he said.No, its much worse than a cold, Jody thought. Youre dying. How do I do it that? I dont turn in how I know, but I know. She smiled at the old man, then turned to look out the window.The bus was passing through North Beach now and the streets were full of sailors, punks, and tourists. Around each she could see a faint red aura and heat trails in the air as they moved. She shook her head to overt her vision, then looked at the people inside the bus. Yes, each of them had the aura, some brighter than others. Around the old man in tweeds there was a dark ring as well as the red heat aura. Jody rubbed her eyes and thought, I must have hit my head. Im red to need a CAT scan and an EEG. Its acquittance to cost a fortune. The company go away scorn it. Maybe I can process my own claim and push it through. Well, Im definitely calling in sick for the rest of the week. And theres serious shopping to be done once I get sinless at the hospital and the police station. Serious shopping. Besides, I wont be able to type for a while anyway.She looked at her burned hand and thought again that it might have healed a bit. Im still taking the week off, she thought.The bus stopped at Fishermans Wharf and Ghirardelli Square and groups of tourists in Day-Glo nylon shorts and Alcatraz sweatshirts boarded, yakety-yak in French and German while analyze lines on street maps of the City. Jody could smell sweat and soap, the sea, boil crab, chocolate and liquor, fried fish, onions, sourdough bread, hamburgers and car exhaust culmination off the tourists. A s hungry as she was, the odor of food nauseated her.Feel free to rain lavish stall during your visit to San Francisco, she thought.The bus headed up Van mantle and Jody got up and pushed through the tourists to the exit door. A few blocks later the bus stopped at chestnut tree way and she looked over her get up before getting off. The woman in the Mickey Mouse ears was thorough leaving(a) peacefully out the window. Wow, Jody said. Look at all those parking spaces.As she stepped off the bus, Jody could hear the woman shouting, Parking space Parking spaceJody smiled. straightaway why did I do that?Chapter 3Oh transparent LoveSnapshots at midnight an obese woman with a stun gun curbing a poodle, an sure-enough(a) gay couple power-walking in designer sweats, a college girl pedaling a mountain bike tracking tresses of perm-fried hair and a blur of red heat televisions buzzing inside hotels and homes, sounds of water heaters and washing machines, wind rattling sycamore leaves and whistling through fir trees, a rat leaving his nest in a palm tree claws skittering down the trunk. Smells idolise sweat from the poodle woman, rose water, ocean, tree sap, ozone, oil, exhaust, and root-hot and fragrance like sugared iron.It was only a three-block walk from the bus stop to the four-story building where she shared an flat with Kurt, but to Jody it seemed like miles. It wasnt fatigue but caution that lengthened the distance. She thought she had lost her fear of the City long ago, but here it was again over-the-shoulder glances between spun determination to look ahead and keep walking and not break into a run.She crossed the street onto her block and saw Kurts Jeep parked in front of the building. She looked for her Honda, but it was gone. Maybe Kurt had interpreted it, but why? Shed left him the key as a courtesy. He wasnt really supposed to use it. She didnt know him that well.She looked at the building. The lights were on in her apartment. She concentrat ed on the bay window and could hear the sound of Louis Rukeyser joke his way through a week on Wall Street. Kurt liked to watch tapes of Wall Street Week before he went to bed at night. He said they relaxed him, but Jody suspected that he got some latent sexual thrill out of listening to balding money managers talking close moving millions. Oh well, if a rise in the Dow put a pup tent in his jammies, it was authorise with her. The last guy shed lived with had valued her to pee on him. As she started up the steps she caught some gallery out of the corner of her eye. soul had ducked behind a tree. She could see an elbow and the tip of a enclothe behind the tree, even in the darkness, but something else panic-stricken her. There was no heat aura. Not beholding it now was as disturbing as eyesight it had been a few minutes ago shed come to expect it. Whoever was behind the tree was as cold as the tree itself.She ran up the steps, pushed the buzzer, and waited forever for Kurt to answer.Yes, the intercom crackled.Kurt, its me. I dont have my key. Buzz me in.The lock buzzed and she was in. She looked back through the glass. The street was empty. The figure behind the tree was gone.She ran up the four flights of steps to where Kurt was waiting at their apartment door. He was in jeans and an Oxford cloth shirt an athletic, blond, thirty-year-old could-be model, who wanted, more than anything, to be a player on Wall Street. He took orders at a terminate brokerage for salary and spent his days at a keyboard go againsting a headset and suits he couldnt afford, observation other peoples money pass him by. He was holding his hands behind his back to hide the secure wrist wraps he wore at night to background the pain from carpal tunnel syndrome. He wouldnt wear the wraps at work carpal tunnel was practiced too blue-collar. At night he hid his hands like a kid with braces who is xenophobic to smile.Where have you been? he asked, more angry than concerned. Jody wanted smiles and sympathy, not recrimination. Tears welled in her eyes.I was attacked tonight. Someone beat me up and stuffed me under a dumpster. She held her ordnance out for a hug. They burned my hand, she wailed.Kurt turned his back on her and walked back into the apartment. And where were you last night? Where were you now? Your office called a dozen times today.Jody followed him in. put up night? What are you talking about?They towed your car, you know. I couldnt line up the key when the street sweeper came. Youre going to have to pay to get it out of impound.Kurt, I dont know what youre talking about. Im hungry and Im scared and I need to go to the hospital. Someone attacked me, dammitKurt pretended to be organizing his videotapes. If you didnt want a commitment, you shouldnt have agreed to move in with me. Its not like I dont get opportunities with women each day.Her mother had told her Never get manifold with a man whos prettier than you are. Kurt, look at this. Jody held up her burned hand. LookKurt turned slowly and looked at her the acid in his expression fizzled into horror. How did you do that?I dont know, I was knocked out. I think I have a head injury. My vision is Everything looks weird. Now lead you please help me?Kurt started walking in a tight circle around the coffee table, palpitation his head. I dont know what to do. I dont know what to do. He sat on the phrase and began rocking.Jody thought, This is the man who called the firing off department when the toilet backed up, and Im asking him for help. What was I thinking? wherefore am I attracted to washed-out men? Whats wrong with me? Why doesnt my hand hurt? Should I eat something or go to the emergency room?Kurt said, This is horrible, Ive got to get up early. I have a meeting at five. Now that he was in the familiar territory of self-interest, he stopped rocking and looked up. You still havent told me where you were last nightNear the door where Jody stood there was an antique oak hall tree. On the hall tree there was a black raku pot where lived a struggling philodendron, home for a colony of spider mites. As Jody snatched up the pot, she could hear the spider mites shifting in their diminutive webs. As she drew back to throw, she saw Kurt blink, his eyelids moving slowly, like an electric garage door. She saw the pulse in his neck start to rise with a jiffy as she let fly. The pot described a beeline across the room, trailing the plant behind it like a comet tail. Conf utilise spider mites found themselves airborne. The place of the pot connected with Kurts forehead, and Jody could see the pot bulge, then collapse in on itself. Pottery and potting flaw showered the room the plant folded against Kurts head and Jody could hear each of the stems snapping. Kurt didnt have time to change expressions. He fell back on the upchuck, unconscious. The whole thing had taken a tenth of a second.Jody moved to the couch and brushed potting soil out of Kur ts hair. There was a half-moon-shaped dent in his forehead that was filling with blood as she watched. Her stomach lurched and cramped so violently that she fell to her knees with the pain. She thought, My insides are caving in on themselves.She comprehend Kurts heart beating and the slow rasp of his breathing. At least I havent killed him.The smell of blood was broad in her nostrils, suffocatingly sweet. Another cramp doubled her over. She affected the wound on his forehead, then pulled back, her fingers dripping with blood. Im not going to do this. I cant.She licked her fingers and every muscle in her body sang with the rush. There was an intense pressure on the roof of her mouth, then a crackling noise inside her head, as if someone were ripping out the roots of her eyeteeth. She ran her mother tongue over the roof of her mouth and felt keen points pushing through the skin behind her canines bare-assed teeth, growing.Im not doing this, she thought, as she climbed on top of K urt and licked the blood from his forehead. The new teeth lengthened. A wave of electric pleasure rocketed through her and her mind went clean-living with exhilaration.In the back of her mind a slight voice shouted No over and over again as she bit into Kurts throat and drank. She heard herself moaning with each beat of Kurts heart. It was a machine-gun orgasm, dark chocolate, startle water in the desert, a hallelujah chorus and the sawhorse coming to the rescue all at once. And all the while the little voice screamed no last she pulled herself away and rolled off onto the floor. She sat with her back to the couch, arms around her legs, her face pressed against her knees, go and twitching with tiny convulsions of pleasure. A dark warmth moved through her body, tingling as if she had effective climbed out of a snowbank into a hot bath.Slowly the warmth ran away, replaced by a heart-wrenching somberness a feeling of loss so enduring and profound that she felt numbed by the weight of it.I know this feeling, she thought. Ive felt this before.She turned and looked at Kurt and felt little relief to see that he was still breathing. There were no marks on his neck where she had bitten him. The wound on his forehead was clotting and scabbing over. The smell of blood was still strong but now it repulsed her, like the odor of empty wine bottles on a hangover morning.She stood and walked to the bathroom, stripping her clothes off as she went. She turned on the shower, and while it ran worked down the remnants of her scanty hose, noticing, without much surprise, that her burned hand had healed completely. She thought, Ive changed. I will never be the same. The manhood has shifted. And with that thought the sadness returned. Ive felt this before.She stepped into the shower and let the scalding water run over her, not noting its feel, or sound, or the color of the heat and steam swirling in the dark bathroom. The first sob wrenched its way up from her chest, sha king her, opening the grief trail. She slid down the shower wall, sat on the water-warmed tiles and cried until the water ran cold. And she remembered another shower in the dark when the world had changed.She had been fifteen and not in love, but in love with the tempestuousness of touching tongues and the rough feel of the boys hand on her breast in love with the idea of love life and too full of too-sweet wine, shoplifted by the boy from a 7-Eleven. His name was Steve Rizzoli (which didnt matter, except that she would always remember it) and he was two years older a bit of a bad boy with his hash subway and surfer smoothness. On a blanket in the Carmel dunes he coaxed her out of her jeans and did it to her. To her, not with her she could have been dead, for her involvement. It was fast and awkward and empty except for the pain, which lingered and grew even after she walked home, cried in the shower, and lay in her room, wet hair spread over the pillow as she stared at the ce iling and grieved until dawn.As she stepped out of the shower and began mechanically toweling off, she thought, I felt this before when I grieved for my virginity. What do I grieve for tonight? My philanthropy? Thats it Im not human anymore, and I never will be again.With that realization, events fell into place. Shed been gone two nights, not one. Her attacker had shoved her under the dumpster to protect her from the sun, but somehow her hand had been exposed and burned. She had slept through the day, and when she awoke the next evening, she was no longer human.Vampire.She didnt believe in vampires.She looked at her feet on the bath mat. Her toes were straight as a babys, as if they had never been bent and bunched by wearing shoes. The scars on her knees and elbows from childhood accidents were gone. She looked in the mirror and saw that the tiny lines beside her eyes were gone, as were her freckles. But her eyes were black, not a millimeter of iris showing. She shuddered, then r ealized that she was seeing all of this in total darkness, and flipped on the bathroom light. Her pupils contracted and her eyes were the same big green that they had always been. She grabbed a handful of her hair and inspected the ends. None were split, none broken. She was as far as she could allow herself to believe perfect. A newborn at twenty-six.I am a vampire. She allowed the thought to paraphrase and settle in her mind as she went to the sleeping room and dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt.A vampire. A monster. But I dont feel like a monster.As she walked back from the bedroom to the bathroom to dry her hair, she spotted Kurt lying on the couch. He was breathing rhythmically and a healthy aura of heat rose off his body. Jody felt a lift of guilt, then pushed it aside. make love him, I never really liked him anyway. Maybe I am a monster.She turned on the curling iron that she used every morning to straighten her hair, then turned it off and threw it back on the vanit y. Fuck that, too. Fuck curling irons and blow dryers and high heels and mascara and control-top panty hose. Fuck those human things.She shook out her hair, grabbed her soup-strainer and went back to the bedroom, where she packed a shoulder bag full of jeans and sweatshirts. She dug through Kurts jewelry rap until she found the spare keys to her Honda.The clock radio by the bed read five oclock in the morning. I dont have much time. Ive got to find a place to stay, fast.On her way out she paused by the couch and kissed Kurt on the forehead. Youre going to be late for your meeting, she said to him. He didnt move.She grabbed the bag of money from the floor and stuffed it into her shoulder bag, then walked out. Outside, she looked up and down the street, then cursed. The Honda had been towed. Shed have to get it out of impound. But you could only do that during the day. Shit. It would be light soon. She thought of what the sun had done to her hand. Ive got to find darkness.She jogged down the street, feeling lighter on her feet than she ever had. At Van Ness she ran into a motel office and pounded on the bell until a asleep(predicate) clerk appeared behind the bulletproof window. She paid cash for two nights, then gave the clerk a hundred-dollar bill to ensure that she would not, under any circumstances, be disturbed. once in the room she locked the door, then braced a chair against it and got into bed.Weariness came on her suddenly as first light broke pink over the City. She thought, Ive got to get my car back. Ive got to find a inviolable place to stay. Then I need to find out who did this to me. I have to know why. Why me? Why the money? Why? And Im going to need help. Im going to need someone who can move around in the day.When the sun peeked over the prospect in the east, she fell into the sleep of the dead.
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