Saturday, August 31, 2019
Is Sex Education Necessary in School
Is Sex Education Necessary in School? By: Zainul Jum’ah Introducing sex education in the schools of India is an important issue. A 2007 ministry of women and child development study shows that over 50 percent of children are sexually abused. Sex is still considered a taboo in India. Parents feel embarrassed to talk openly with their children in this regard. Due to the ignorance of sex education they fall victim to AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. Many NGOs are trying to create awareness on AIDS.Sex education can help people to take decisions regarding health and sexuality. It is high time for sex-education to the introduced in schools for the benefit of the youth of the country. Introducing sex-education in the schools of India is an important issue. Recommendations of the National curriculum frame work 2000 focus on cultivating a proper understanding of sex related issues with special focus on teenage pregnancies, drug addiction and adolescent education. A 2007 M inistry of women and child development study shows that over 50 percent of our children are sexually abused.In half of these cases, the abuse is perpetrated by persons in positions of trust and a majority of the children do not report it due to fear. Sex education has become a debatable issue. Many people feel that these kind of delicate issues should be left to the parents. Parents feel embarrassed to talk openly with their children in this regard. Sex is still considered a taboo in the Indian society. It is considered that teaching our children about their sexuality can break down pre-existing notions of modesty and tear the moral fabric of our society.But with the alarming increase of AIDS, unwanted / unplanned / unwed pregnancies and other diseases related to sex, it is important that sex-education should be given importance in schools and colleges. Physical and mental changes in children start appearing with puberty. Sexual development begins much earlier than that. Many childr en find it strange or difficult to cope up with the changes. They grow up with curiosity stamped on their minds. So it is very important to provide them sex education.It makes growing children aware of the various changes taking place in their bodies and prepare them for responsible adulthood. Surveys indicate that on an average, every urban student watches television for two hours daily. The foreign television channels, the vulgar scenes shown in Indian cinema and video albums create a negative impact on them. The movie and serials on the small screen stimulate the younger generation sexually. Thus in the absence of sound knowledge about sex they commit mistakes which result in unwanted pregnancies, HIV positive cases and other sexually transmitted diseases.In India 15 percent of the HIV/AIDS patients are actually children under 15 years of age. Sex education can help people to take decisions regarding health and sexuality. Teaching children about sex in classroom would encourage t hem to view it as a natural, normal and healthy part of life. Sex education should be introduced in schools and colleges. If children and youngsters learn about sex in scientific and objective way, they would be more careful before indulging in sex secretly. At least they would be careful to take precautions so as to avoid pregnancies and diseases.India, and most Asian countries, also fell behind Western countries on their level of confidence on how to protect themselves from HIV-AIDS (75. 3 percent), and even lower on level of confidence on how to avoid pregnancy (73 percent). Parents, in India, are known to hide their affection towards each other, in front of their children. The children grow up to believe that love is a taboo and it is perverse to display one's affection in public. Parents should understand the psyche of their children. Parents should initiate their children in the meaning of love. The love they display for their children. y giving gifts, sharing and caring for t hem, should also be shown for each other by behaving like perfectly normal friends. Parents should talk with their children more often to give them the feeling of security in the family. This could make the children open up their problems and help the parents root out the cause. Interaction with the friends of their children also would give an idea about their background and the minds of the younger lot. The parents should take in their children as confidants and warm them against developing friendships with immoral friends.There has been a rise in incidents of physical abuse to children. According to a WHO study over 50 percent children have faced one or more forms of sexual abuse. Children fall victim to the advances of elders. According to a survey, 50 percent children are abused by people known to them. They keep silent and live with the trauma throughout their lives. Sex education can supply our young people with the tools to report and resist abusive behaviors, and provide the m with a forum for expressing their fears and feelings honestly and openly.In a world, full of exploitation, children are the most vulnerable section of our society. They need to be taught the difference between gentle touch and bad touch in order to protect themselves from various forms of child abuse. Many psychologists have argued that sex education has the potential to liberate us from socially organized sexual oppression. In addition it helps adolescents come to healthy terms with their sexual identities and overcome feelings of guilt shame. During the period of adolescence children begin to see the world in a mature way.Many NGOs have introduced training programs on AIDS and HIV awareness. They should be encouraged and the schools and colleges should co-operate with them to give the desired result. Schools life remains an integral part of every child's development. Along with the academic subjects, sex-education should be given equal importance. Trained teachers, psychologists and medical consultants should deal with the subject. While imparting sex-education the boys and girls should be divided into two groups (one for boys and other for girls).They should be taught separately. This way the lady teachers should teach girls and male teachers should teach boys. Children will not feel embarrassed. They will freely clarify their doubts and queries. Due care should be taken about the contents of the subject. This should be decided by a team of doctors and psychologists of the respective field. It is high time for sex-education to be introduced in the educational curriculum. Sex education in schools would dispel many of the myths prevalent among school children. It will create a liberal thinking among youth.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Consequentialist Versus Deontological Ethical Systems
What is â€Å"good†? How does a person decide what is good? Over the course of history, various thinkers have tried to develop systems which guide human thought on this question. Some of the most important ethical theories are the â€Å"normative†theories  that is ethical theories which try to establish authoritative standards by which conduct can be judged. Under the general heading of â€Å"normative,†two of the most important schools of ethical thought are the â€Å"consequentialist†and the â€Å"deontological schools of ethical thought. (â€Å"Normative Ethics†n. d. )Consequentialism is the school of thought which asserts that the morality of a given action is to be judged by the consequence of that action. If the consequences are good, the action is good. Consequentialism is generally divided into a number of theories, including: utilitarianism and ethical egoism. Utilitarianism holds that the right action is one that produces the greatest good/pleasure (and least pain) for the greatest number of people. Utilitarianism has its root in the seminal figures of Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill, and Henry Sidgwick.Classic utilitarians developed a system which is could best be described as â€Å"hedonistic act consequentialism. †Their system was â€Å"consequentialist†in that its proponents claimed that an act is morally right if the act causes the greatest good. To calculate this, one had to compare the total amount of good that the act caused, minus the total amount of bad that the act caused. If the net total net amount of good was greater than this net amount of good for any other act that the agent might have performed, then the act was good.Their system was â€Å"hedonistic,†in that they claimed that pleasure was the only true â€Å"good†and pain is the only true â€Å"bad. †This system was summed up in the common statement, â€Å"the greatest happiness for the greates t number. †(Kemerling, 2002; Hollinger, 2002, p. 31-34: â€Å"Normative Ethics,†n. d. ; Lee, 2000, â€Å"Utilitarianism†; Sinnott-Armstrong, 2006) As Mill articulated this system, utilitarianism was consequentialist rather than deontological because included certain key points of denial. Utilitarianism denied that the moral rightness of any act depended on anything other than the consequences of the act.This left the utilitarian system open to attack because of the hedonism it advanced. (Hollinger, 2002, p. 34-36; â€Å"Normative Ethics,†n. d. ; Kemerling, 2002; Lee, 2000, â€Å"Utilitarianism†; Sinnott-Armstrong, 2006) From the beginning, critics of hedonism attacked utilitarianism. They criticized John Stuart Mill as trying to degrade the value of human life to an animalistic level. One of the more commonly used arguments was that vulgar acts, such as orgiastic sex might produce greater transient pleasure than some disciplined higher act such a s studying fine poetry. (Hollinger, 2002, pp.34-36: â€Å"Normative Ethics,†n. d. ; Kemerling, 2002; Sinnott-Armstrong, 2006)Mill tried to respond to these charges by setting up a distinction between lower and higher qualities of pleasure. (Mill, 1861, 56) This did not satisfy Mill’s critics, who contended that in the end, utilitarianism supported hedonism. Critics find these systems overly technical and confusing, and utilitarianism fosters an â€Å"end justifies the means†line of reasoning. Further utilitarianism does not accept the notion that some acts are absolutely ethically wrong, so that potentially it can be warped into a system justifying any means.Hollinger, 2002, pp. 34-36; â€Å"Normative Ethics,†n. d. ; Kemerling, 2002; Lee, 2000, â€Å"Utilitarianism†) Egoism is the view that a moral person is a self-interested person. The primary exponents of ethical egoism, include Epicurus, Adam Smith, and Ayn Rand. Critics charges that the eth ical system of Epicurus leads to an austere hedonism. Adam Smith’s â€Å"invisible hand†would cause the most productive state of an economy to be reached by allowing all of the people in the economic unit each to pursue his own self-interest.Ayn Rand professed a view of rational self-interest, saying that altruism was irrational. (Hollinger, 2002, pp. 28-31; â€Å"Normative Ethics,†2002; Sinnott-Armstrong, 2006) Deontological ethical theory takes its name from the Greek root â€Å"deon,†meaning â€Å"that which is obligatory. †It is ethical theory based on a concept of duty or obligation. Turning then to principled ethical systems, stem from Socrates, who felt himself duty bound to accept the ruling of the court in Athens, which had ordered him put to death.From Socrates, one can move ahead to Immanuel Kant, whose philosophical system led to his system of the â€Å"categorical imperative†: â€Å"Act so that you treat humanity, whether i n your own person or in that of another, always as an end, and never as a means only. †To develop his â€Å"Categorical Imperative,†Kant looked to the roots of morality in humanity's rational capacity and meticulously developed a system based on moral absolutes. He argued that these are inviolable duties, rules which must be followed absolutely and in every possible situation. (â€Å"Normative Ethics,†n. d. ; Hollinger, 2002, pp.37-39)Another school of deontological thought is the contractarianistic school exemplified by John Rawls or Thomas Hobbes. This theory asserts that moral acts are those act that all people would agree to if they were completely unbiased. (â€Å"Normative Ethics. †n. d. ) Finally, there are philosophers such as John Locke, also considered deontological, who presented the idea that all men are endowed with certain inalienable rights. (â€Å"Normative Ethics. †n. d. ) Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) set forth what is generally a ccepted as the most advanced theory of deontological or duty-based ethics.Contrary to the consequentialism of Mill, Kant’s theory judges morality by examining the nature of actions and the will of agents rather than the goals sought or the ends achieved. To describe this in general terms, this deontological theory focuses on the inputs leading to actions rather than outcomes produced by those inputs. This does not mean that Kant did not care what the outcomes of his actions were. Like other men, he wished that things would go well. But Kant insisted that as far as the moral evaluation of our actions was concerned, consequences did not matter. (Hollinger, 2002, pp. 37-39; â€Å"Normative Ethics,†n. d. ; Kemerling, 2002)In his philosophical studies, Kant tried to establish a rational principle that would stand as a categorical imperative for ethical judgments. He insisted that the imperative, or duty, had to be categorical, not merely hypothetical, or conditional, be cause true morality could not depend on such things as individual likes and dislikes, abilities, or opportunities. These were mere the â€Å"accidents†of history, and an ultimate principle of ethics had to go far beyond such incidentals.Eventually, Kant developed his categorical imperative, which he articulated in several different versions, including: Always act in such a way that you can also will that the maxim of your action should become a universal law. and Act so that you treat humanity, both in your own person and in that of another, always as an end and never merely as a means. The first version of the categorical imperative emphasizes an idea important to Kant’s thinking of the idea that any rule was valid only if it could be applied universally. The second statement of the rule stresses the importance of respecting persons as more important than things.(Kay, 1997)Deontological ethical theories are strongest in the areas where utilitarian theories face the g reatest difficulty. Ethical rules based on duty have the great advantage that the ends can never justify the means. For example, suppose a ruler wished to revive the Roman practice of public crucifixion of criminals. Even if it was determined that the general populace was so caught up in a blood lust that the pleasure of the masses who would watch the agonies of the condemned far, far out-weighed the suffering of the victim, the categorical imperative demands that individual human rights be acknowledged and held inviolable.No matter how much the public wants this spectacle, it must be dismissed from our moral deliberations. (Hollinger, 2002, pp. 38-39: Kay, 1997) Putting Kant’s categorical imperative into practice, however, has presented a number of serious problems. First, the categorical imperative gives only absolute results. Actions are â€Å"good†or â€Å"bad. †There is no room for â€Å"gray areas. †For example, lying is always wrong  eve n the â€Å"polite lie†or the lie told for noble reasons. Second, duties often come into conflict, and the categorical imperative gives no means to resolve these conflicts.Utilitarianism permits a ready comparison of all actions, and if a set of alternatives have the same expected utility, they are equally good. Conflicting duties, however, may require that I perform logically or physically incompatible actions, and my failure to do any one is itself a moral wrong. (Hollinger, 2002, p. 39: Kay, 2002) Because neither theory is satisfactory in its pure form, I am compelled to use a blend in real life. I follow a utilitarian approach in the sense of trying to maximize the good that I bring to people, but with an awareness that there are categorical situations beyond which I will not go.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Terra Gatson Essay
They similar because they tend have we as people questioning and have also different perceptions about the world we live in. Hey both were misled as to what the world we live in is and how it operates as a whole. There are also other topics as well that can be pointed to show exactly what else can be depicted about the comparison between them. The Matrix is Greek philosophy which is very interesting to a lot of people. The definition behind is the idea of freeing one's soul or mind as even presented in the Allegory of Cave is a well-known idea attached to Greek philosophy.The difference between them is that The Matrix and The Plat's tend to have reasons that justify and reasons as to why they tend to do what they do. It is something that they come up to make whatever wrong they are doing to give a good reasons as to why they are doing it. Seems like a wrong thing to do, but looking at my life I have ran into a lot of people that make up excuses to cover their behinds so others will be believers of their wrongs. A wrong is a wrong and a right is a right not the other way around.The bible is a great source to find out the truth to a lot so if you want to know if something is true pick up a bible to retrieve some of your information so you will have a better understanding. At the end of the Matrix we were left with a piece to my understanding that had me thinking we were living in a computer based world but looked passed it, but it sometimes have me thinking. The Matrix is really based on Descartes which is about the human race being deceived in many different ways.Many scientist research a lot to prove that we are not living in this or that but it is left to only one person to determine what our lives are and that is the man up above. I have my doubts about a lot but I know God is the reason for everything but would have to say were are not computer based which is my opinion and I'm sticking to it. The world that we are living in today is a test of our faith but the devil will not take the faith that I have in my awesome God because I know it is him who has watched over me for 21 years ND I love him for that.I WOUld have to say for me that the in question three that I don't like either but if I had to decide would say Ignorance is bliss because it's something I tend to say a lot. I don't want to dwell on that topic because the most important one is question and I think it was covered well. The three synopsis were good but its nothing like watching the actual movie to get every fine detail as to why this happened and how it actually occurred, but the synopsis was great to go by because I'm sure everyone doesn't have time to look at three movies in a week.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
STRATEGY, PROJECT MANAGEMENT & SUPPLY CHAIN - Case Study Example It is difficult to manage a project in the energy sector where there is friction with the government and, in this case, issues with the extension of the PSA have made it difficult for companies to achieve profit estimates. Failure by some companies, in this case Agip KCO, to respect the production schedule and compliance with environmental regulations have resulted in friction between international consortiums and the government (Esty & Bitsch, 2013: p4). Scharffen Berger is rapidly expanding and the most important issue at such a point is to decide on how to increase its capacity across its production system, as well as the technologies to use (Snow et al, 2010: p9). In such a situation, a company like Scharffen Berger should consider marketing requirements, effects of reputation and quality, and alternative approaches aimed at increasing output both in the long and short term. This issue is exacerbated by Toyota’s use of offline systems to address these problems, which is a deviation from the Toyota production System’s procedures and policies (Mishina & Takeda, 1995: p2). Sinopec’s implementation of the vendor-managed inventory system provides important insight into potential challenges facing the implementation of such supply chain strategies, including poor integration of information systems. In implementing the VMI strategy, such challenges could lead to an increase in inventory stored by the supplier, especially if there is lack of mutual trust in the chain of supply (Zhao et al, 2006:
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Lecture Synthesis Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Lecture Synthesis - Coursework Example This understanding is the central focus of the lecture. Managers in the global environment have to understand the diversity that characterizes both domestic and international markets. The lecture provides relevant information that allows managers and employees in the global environment to understand why business settings vary from one country to another. At a personal level, the lecture is important is important because it brings together different concepts that aid in the understanding of global business operations. For example, the lecture presents cultural differences as a critical factor in business. Cultural variations may not seem that important, but a business enterprise that fails to acknowledge cultural diversity faces a key operational challenge across the globe. In addition, the lecture sheds important insights about entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship and global economic progress are essentially intertwined, this highlights resonates with my personal drive, goal, and desire to own and operate a successful international enterprise. In this respect, this lecture focuses on central ideas and concepts that I find relevant and informative at a personal level. Additionally, the lecture outlines how the global business environment functions. From the operations of World Trade Organization to the actualization of agreements that promote free trade in America and beyond, such information shows just how complex yet successful global business has become. By understanding global business environment, I find it easy to comprehend the diversity and dynamism of the global political economy. As the lecture maintains, understanding the global environment is critical to the success of today’s management practices. Managing in a global environment is both interesting and challenging. For example, minimum wage continues to elicit mixed reactions in North America today. While some business enterprises in America support the move to increase minimum
Written Essay Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Written Essay - Assignment Example For example, the value of a particular sales invoice is ought to be compatible with the sales amount of tax being charged on the invoice (ACCA, 2011). Processing controls are attached with developing varied programmed routines (Pearson, n.d.). This particular system acts as an effective specific control in the form of supporting the managers or the supervisors to adopt and apply routine decisions. Specially mentioning, it contributes in maintaining the reliability of data by extracting valuable data from a specific database to compile various important reports. These reports can be reckoned as financial statements, sales analyses and inventory-level based details among others (Collins, 2015). It is regarded as an efficient interactive system, which tends to gather, incorporate and analyze data from varied sources. More importantly, it aids in supporting the business managers of an organization to make several routine decisions. The maintenance of data reliability through this particular system could be better understood from the adoption as well as application of relevant decisions while operating different business functions (Collins, 2015). Output controls mainly relate to work upon the performance of the transactions whether input or output. This specific control relating to output segment helps in preserving accuracy and determining the completeness of the different processing outputs. It will be vital to mention that the conception of run control totals would aid in ensuring greater data reliability in the form of various ways. These ways entails authorizing all such data transactions that are already processed, ensuring that no such transactions are being omitted also making sure that unlawful transactions are being added (Alkhatib & Labban, n.d). The perception of DDBS is identified to be dissimilar to that of centralized database system. This is mainly owing to the reason that
Monday, August 26, 2019
Use of Dollar Coins as Opposed to Dollar Bills in the US Essay
Use of Dollar Coins as Opposed to Dollar Bills in the US - Essay Example As the paper outlines. with the US budget deficit expected to reach the $1.5 trillion mark this year, the government is under immense pressure to initiate sustainable cost-cutting measures. Eliminating the dollar bill and replacing it with dollar coins should be one of the measures because the government will save the taxpayer more than $5 billion in the next 3 decades among other benefits. Cutting on spending is the biggest priority that the US government has so as to set the economy back in motion. The government currently spends a great deal of money printing and circulating the dollar bills. It will actually take 31 cents less to produce a dollar coin as opposed to a dollar bill according to Fiegerman. A coin will definitely last longer than a bill, therefore, saving on reprinting cost. The dollar bill is made of low-quality materials which tend to wear out within 3 years. This will not be the case with a dollar coin which can last for 34 years. It is also estimated that the doll ar bill will become more expensive to make owing to the fact that cotton prices are increasing steadily. This has shot up the cost of making paper by up to 50% as compared to the same time back in 2007. The EU and countries like Canada and Japan have relied on coins for their low denominations. Canada actually found that it saved more than 10 times their earlier estimated figures. Another issue relates to jamming of machines when producing the dollar bills. The Week states that more than $1 billion gets lost after vending machines jam thereby requiring repairs and companies losing on revenue from sales. There are arguments that the dollar bill is one of the distinctive features of the United States economy and eliminating it will erode this uniqueness. There is also the belief that change to dollar coins will hurt the economy, especially in the current state.Â
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Biology news #4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Biology news #4 - Assignment Example Scientists have put forward that it is important to understand the genes on the Y chromosome as they decide the difference in which manner the cells in males and females read the information expressed by their respective genomes. Y chromosome has shown to shed genes over the course of time as it also depicts a shortening in its length. But analysis of the chromosome in 2012 showed that Y chromosome stabilized itself and loss of genes was stopped for the last 25 million years. Although the genetic make-up of Y chromosome is very difficult to decode, but scientists have found a solution to find the genes on Y chromosome by comparing the DNA to the X chromosome. An important gene on Y chromosome is SRY that determines the male gender and many others are associated with sperm production. Twelve genes on Y chromosome are unique in their characteristic as they are switched on in various cells of the body other than testis. These genes control the expression of various other genes and also the state of genome in other cells. Females have slightly different set of genes which are involved in high regulatory actions. The article brings forward a very significant aspect of the Y chromosome and the research carried out to understand the different genes on Y chromosomes is a step forward in understanding the molecular biology of the genders. However, I think that more research should be carried out to evaluate the ability of Y chromosome to regulate the sex-specific functions in males and exactly how they differ from the X chromosome. I think that understanding the Y chromosome related genes would also aid the scientists in improving their knowledge regarding the X-linked disease patterns and associations with Y
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Questions 7 and 8 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Questions 7 and 8 - Coursework Example This is because he thought that the workers were lazy, or the supervisors were inefficient. Canadian Fabrication and Design has attained its marginal product. This is the output that the company generates from one additional factor of production which is a metal worker. The decision of cracking down employees will not yield to high production levels. This is because the firm has attained its optimal production level and beyond this point it will only yield the same production or less. The best measure that the Chief Executive Officer of Canadian Fabrication and Design should adopt is to expand production of the firm. This will increase the marginal production level of the business and thus sustain the newly employed sheet metal workers. The Chief Executive Officer of the organization should adopt this measure as an alternative to cracking down the number of employees. It will result in success of the organization since the company will make sufficient sales (Hirschey, 2008, p. 21). Priceless goods refers to the commodities which people hold as having non market value which makes them perfectly unsuitable for buying and selling. An example of a commodity that people view as allegedly free is prescription drugs. The various people who make drugs have the responsibility of setting reasonable prices for the medicines. This calls them to restrain the prices. People view these drugs as priceless since they are urgent that they leave companies without price which they acquire in the market (Hirschey, 2008, p. 28). The concept of accounting cost states that a company incurs expenses during production. These expenses show up in the financial statements of a company. Prescription drugs are not priceless since the company incurs expenses in the production process of their manufacture. This refers to a business cost that one can identify and account for in an easy manner. It is a direct expense which an
Friday, August 23, 2019
Criminal Justice Trends Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Criminal Justice Trends - Research Paper Example The paper will finally discuss the value of the criminal justice system in a changing society. In many societies today, people heavily depend on policing within their communities as more and more human beings want to feel safe around their communities and the world at large. The changes in the criminal justice system can be seen by looking at how cautious people are becoming towards crime (Sunga, 1997). For example, many years back, the rates of crimes reported by many police departments were very low. Surveys show that people felt safer and would even walk in and out of their homes at night without feeling threatened. However, these trends have changed and the rates of crimes have been reported to have gone up significantly (Walker, 1980). These changes are reflected in the criminal justice system. As the rate of crime increases, the criminal justice system has had to adjust so as to deal with the increase (Fuller, 2005). The criminal justice system generally refers to a collection of local, state or federal public agencies that are instituted to deal with the problem of crime. The criminal justice system is made up of three important components: the police, corrections and the courts. These three components work together to ensure that crimes are deterred or prevented through the apprehension, trial and punishment of criminal offenders (Walker, 1980). This means that the criminal justice system is made up of a legislative branch which is responsible for the creation of laws, adjudication which comprises of the courts of law and the corrections branch which comprises of parole, probation, prisons and jails (Fuller, 2005). The police are contained in police departments which are public agencies charged with the responsibility of maintaining order and enforcing the criminal law. Police officers operate within communities so as to control and prevent crime. The courts on the other hand are tribunals where people who have been accused of criminal offenses have the ir cases listened to and determined by judges or juries. Correction facilities comprise of jails, parole, prisons and probation which are meant to rehabilitate or punish criminal offenders so as to ensure public safety. These components of the criminal justice system have been undergoing several changes over the years (Sunga, 1997). It is important to note that as society evolves, so does the criminal justice system. The criminal justice system has been in constant evolution so as to keep up with the priorities of societies (Walker, 1980). As society changes and advances, the criminal justice system has had to be altered so as to keep up with the societal changes and advances by protecting and serving the unique needs of the changing society (Fuller, 2005). As society becomes more and more aware about human rights and the importance of fairness, justice and equality regardless of race or gender, the criminal justice system has had to change so as to adapt to these societal demands ( Sunga, 1997). A review of the recent trends that affect the criminal justice system shows that the criminal justice system has been changing in many areas such as in racial and gender issues. These include statuses of women, gender discrimination, racial discrimination and minorities in society (Walker, 1980). A good example that can be used to illustrate the changing trends is seen in the police departments. For example, in the past, there have been a lot of obstacles
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Argument Essay Essay Example for Free
Argument Essay Essay As students we all have been challenged to do our best. Throughout our lives we have been labeled with our grades; in high school, the ones with low grades were left alone in misery, while the ones with higher grades were praised as the leaders of this horse race. Then, the question that comes into mind is: is it right to categorize students, does grading contribute to educationa? It is assumed and stated in the philosophy of the current educational system that grading encourages learning and without it students would not study. That is far from being true and also expresses another flaw of our education system. The system is based on fear: the basic motive for students to study is fear of low grades. Furthermore, because the grades are the main criteria for passing courses, students do not study: they just develop methods of cheating. Thus, without learning the subject, they keep passing. Since grades received in exams are more important than learning the subject matter, all students have to do to pass their courses is memorize how a specific problem is solved. Without knowing why such a method is used, students cannot apply their ability to solve the problem to daily life. However, they pass exams without learning why, how or what of the matter. Another disadvantage of grading is that grades of a student are not updated. That means the grades of a student for the first year of school will still be valid in the last year, whether his knowledge about the subject has improved or deteriorated. Considering all the factors that affect a student’s exams and marks, even a small incident may have a great impact in the long run. Apart from these problems, which can be virtually solved by optimizing and improving the grading system, the most important defect of the system cannot be repaired without changing the whole system. The grading system causes inequalities, superior-inferior relations, classifications and even conflicts. It may be maintained that societies of the modern world are structured on these basic principles, but the fact that something exists does not justify it. Moreover, the people grown up in such an education system will not be able to see the other side of the walls, or will be afraid even to take a glimpse. To sum up, grading students is not a good practice and should be abolished. It is clear that education, especially education during childhood, has a great effect on one’s life. And if you bring the children up in conditions of conflict and competition, they will look for conflicts in the future too.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Skin and Hair Follicle Essay Example for Free
Skin and Hair Follicle Essay Chemicaally joining two or more atoms forms a Molecule 2. A fuluncle is a localized bacterial infection that produces constant pain of hair Hair follicle 3. Two halves of a styles form a mirror image of one another Symmetical balance 4. Coarse, medium, or fine is classified as Hair texture 5. Hair and nails are an appendage of the skin and are part of what body system Integumenaty system 6. Round shaped pathogenic bacteria that appear singly Cocci 7. The skin that lies beneath the free edge of the nail plate Hyponychium 8. What is the study of small living things, microorganisms Microbiology 9. In basic massage, practitioner should avoid Drain lymph technique 10. Which muscle do you use the most to move hand and fingers Forearms 11. A 90 degree angle haircut will give client Layer 12. To offset a long neck in hair shapping it advisable Leave the hair full at the neck 13. To have a complete full curl, need to roll the rod at least 2 and half rounds 14. To minimize wide set eyes and make them look closer Extend the eyebrow line inside the corner of the eyes 15. What is the ingredient in permanent wave Ammonium thioglycolate 16. Practitioner should wear what type of shoes to avoid hurting Low heels shoes 7. It is best to give treatment before Shampoo 18. Lipstick should applied with Cotton pledged 19. Temporarily hair removing Depilatories 20. When tweezing eyebrow, it should be Fast and follow it grown direction 21. There is a dark area on hair that has been prelighten Lighten the dark area only 22. The guidelines and controls for infection published by the ce mter for disease Universal precaution 23. What color neutralize red Green 24. Which pattern should use in pin curl to avoid split facial hairline Triangle 25. Which skin layer has blood vessels Dermis 26. Which bacteria is known as non-pathogenic Saprophytes 27. All disinfectant must be approved by EPA 28. To avoid overlapping in a tin retouch color the new growth of hair 1/16 inches 29. What subsection for lighter 1/8 30. What guideline is for Establish length 31. Slithering is Cutting hair with thinning shear 32. What is the characteristic of metal brush Transfer and retain heat 33. In permanent wave avoid excessive Ringing 34. To offset a square jaw Direction hair straight to jaw line 35. Chemical relaxer is also called Sodium hydroxide 36. When there is a red boil with redness on the skin it is considered Bacterial infection 37. Which part of the hair follicle help generate hair growth Papilla 8. Combination of finger waving and pin curl is Skip wave 39. The chemical that seal the cuticle to provide lubrication and protection to hair is Sillicones 40. Bacteria are not harmed by disinfectant is Spore-forming stage 41. Draping cape should be coverd over the shampoo chair to prevent Water dripping down to the neck 42. The pin curl that has the least mobility No stem 43. What is the protective covering the body surface Epithelial tissue 44. A wig for men used to coverd the top and crown of the head is Toupee 45. How do you mix the nail polish Roll the bottle between the palm 46. What is the cool primary color Blue 47. Ability of body to destroy invasive agents to enter the body Immunity 48. Moist heat is used for Sterilization 49. The process which cells is produced Mitosis 50. The method of hair extensions required heat from a special tool The fusion bonding 51. Fungus on artificial nail is caused by Water gets in artificial nail 52. Hangnails maybe treated by softening the cuticle with Hot oil 53. What water is allowed shampoo to lather freely on hair Soft water 54. Skill in finger waving is important because The foundation of styling 55. PH in acid-balanced shampoo is Between 4. 5 and 5. 5 56. What is the benefit of scalp massage Increase blood circulation 57. What are substances used to neutralize acids or raised the pH Alkanolamines 58. When doing a facial practitioner should drape the client from Chest down 59. Through light what type of hair is most transparent Straight hair fine hair thining hair 60. When cutting hair if the client chair is too low, practitioner will get Shoulder pain 61. Best thing to do if practitioner noticed an infectious disease on client Prefer to a physician 62. How many nerves are in the arms and wrist?
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Melaka After Being Labeled As Unesco Historical City Tourism Essay
Melaka After Being Labeled As Unesco Historical City Tourism Essay Chapter 2 is an overview of literature and models that are related to the research problem presented in the previous chapter. Reviewing the literature help to define the perception and reflect on the value and benefits of UNESCO label and its terms and conditions. In addition, the opportunity of tourism industry to the economic growth of Malaysia and Malacca, the impact and implementation will be discuss further. In the early era of human being, human travels or moving from a place to another place in order to avoid from danger, hunting for foods or changing of weather. Besides that, war, trade, religion and leisure also made people to move (Ding Kay Lee, 2009). The origin of modern tourism is usually quoted as the Grand Tour (Kastenholz, 2002). Where after, the industrialization epoch makes travel accessible for a up rising number of people due to more revenue, idles time available, improved of technology, increase of knowledge and curiosity. Before War World II, the growing needs of leisure are low due to bad working, hard living predicament and low standard of episteme. The increase of private business, car ownership, and improvement of the road system and the development of the airline industry after World War II help to catalyze and inspire the growth of the tourism industry (Ding Kay Lee, 2009). Next, with the effect of increasing in industrialization development, it has brought to increasing of the demand for international tourism to urge the development of the international tourism industry. Nowadays, tourism almost becomes part of the basic need in the wealthiest part of the developed world, where it assists people to obtain a higher degree of physically and psychological balance (Kastenholz, 2002). 2.1 Tourism Industry Definition of tourism industry is difficult; it is defined as a people who travel and stay in a place beside from their staying more than twenty-four hours and not more than one year for leisure, business and other goals not related to the implement of an activity rewarded within the place visit. An integrity model of tourism is shared by Cook, Yale, and Marquas (1999) which spine around the tourists and divided into three large layers, which include several tourism participants and organizations of inter-dependent groups, enveloping the focus point. The first layer of the model consists of the tourism promoters such as tour administrators, tourists board and traveler agents. Marketing efforts will be carrying out directly and indirectly by the administrators to the tourists. Matters pertaining on travel issue normally will be corresponded between tourists and administrators. The tourism services suppliers is the second layer of the model where provide services that are asked by tourists such as transportation and accommodation. The third layer is the environment. Comparing other industries, the external environments, which consists of social, cultural, political, environmental, and economic forces is reveled by tourism industry. The ability of both tourism administrators and services suppliers to react regularly on forces that may range from tricky and sudden changes is necessary. (Ding Kay Lee, 2009) Socio-cultural appearance and an economic development tool for both tourist generating and receiving countries also as an important sector of tourism. Tourism helps to create employment and business opportunity in the most visited region in personnel property. Positive effects on income will receive by both investors and employees in the industry. Effects of multiplication happen when tourists consume, government infrastructural investment and the purchasing power created by the enlargement income. In addition, foreign exchange for the receiving countries can be achieved from the exportation branch of international tourism. Tourism Promoters Tourism service Supplier Enviromental Cook, Yale, and Marquas (1999) tourism model 2.2 A City of Future with Listing of UNESCO The future of Malaccas tourism industry is well foretells with the World Heritage listing. This will bring in new businesses opportunities idle domestic or international and wishing the forwardness of cultural infrastructures. However, tourism can be a double-edged sword. It is critical to surveillance and minimize the negative impress of tourism, assuring against inverts of destiny (tourism industry unstably influenced by perishes and fuel prices) or over-success in case fast gentrification, hovering asset prices and living costs compel the locals. Through the heritage trial design, the advantages of tourism could be promote for local communities and stakeholders by community groups, training and attaching them as administers, judger and retailers. A coordinated information platform could help to accelerate local initiatives such as cultural programs, home stays and small enterprises. Thinking of to making Malacca a city of the future -an ideal location for creative throngs and ICT enterprises, or a cultural, leisure and service center for the larger Indonesia- Malaysia- Singapore Growth Triangle Region is to be transformed. Such strategies should be directed at restoring abandon buildings, not substituting presence communities. On the other hand, economic merit could be achieved by expending the educational potential of Malacca. The Historic Cities of the Straits of Malacca should be taught in Malaysian schools on its local historic and sense. With a little more interpretation and cultural installation, Malacca could serve as an open museum of its civilization and architecture, catering especially to Malaysian and ASEAN students. As a field introduction to Asian cultures, study trips are already being organized annually by several foreign universities for undergraduate and graduate students. To go further with this idea, the existing of a prestigious university with an urban campus not only helps revive the city but also create a demand for student accommodation and local services. (Heritage Asia OCT -Dec 2008) 2.2.1 Term and Condition of UNESCO Listing To be listed in World Heritage list, sites must be of remarkable universal value and meet at least one out of ten selection criteria. The Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention explained the criteria which, besides for the text of Convention, it also the main processing tool on World Heritage. Regularly reformulated on the criteria are done by the Committee to reflect the developing of the World Heritage concept itself. Until end of 2004, six basis cultural and four natural criteria were selected by World Heritage site. With revising the adoption of the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention, only one set of ten criteria exists. Below and the criterias of include in the World Heritage List: (Quoted from WOLD HERITAGE SITE, 2004) Selection criteria: To represent a masterpiece of human creative genius; To exhibit an important interchange of human values, over a span of time or within a cultural area of the world, on developments in architecture or technology, monumental arts, town-planning or landscape design; To bear a unique or at least exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition or to a civilization which is living or which has disappeared; To be an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates (a) significant stage(s) in human history; To be an outstanding example of a traditional human settlement, land-use, or sea-use which is representative of a culture (or cultures), or human interaction with the environment especially when it has become vulnerable under the impact of irreversible change; To be directly or tangibly associated with events or living traditions, with ideas, or with beliefs, with artistic and literary works of outstanding universal significance. (The Committee considers that this criterion should preferably be used in conjunction with other criteria); To contain superlative natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic importance; To be outstanding examples representing major stages of earths history, including the record of life, significant on-going geological processes in the development of landforms, or significant geomorphic or physiographic features; To be outstanding examples representing significant on-going ecological and biological processes in the evolution and development of terrestrial, fresh water, coastal and marine ecosystems and communities of plants and animals; To contain the most important and significant natural habitats for in-situ conservation of biological diversity, including those containing threatened species of outstanding universal value from the point of view of science or conservation. The protection, management, authenticity and integrity of properties are also important considerations. 2.2.2 Benefit of Heritage As Malacca had gained a world heritage label in 2008, it had brought certain advantages or significant on Malacca Economic, state development, communities, social, education and site owners. (Little Penang Street Market, 2009) For example, there will be: New business opportunities generated for a host, not least deriving from the prestigious Heritage listing. A wider development of a creative economy in Malacca is to be linked, as well as to a cleaner, safer, more positive civic environment through commitment to a decent management plan. Increased local, federal and international project funding access. An increase in tourist arrivals, not least in cultural tourism, again leading to greater business opportunities and turnover. Cultural tourists are known to stay longer and spend more. Potential for investment in local artisans and craftspeople, with subsidies, training and identification of new commercial opportunities. The continuation of other development and business activities. Greater economic returns through appreciation in value. Improved documentation of city and state. 2.2.3 Culture Tourism Tourism can be considered as an omnipresent appearance in modern society, but its definition is far from consensual. Normally, people think of tourism as holidays focusing on the pleasure motive, but neglecting other forms of travel, such as business tourism, cultural tourism, and health tourism. (Ding Kay Lee, 2009) Cultural tourism is defined as the persons movement for essentially cultural intentions such as study tours, performing arts and cultural tours; travel to festivals and other related events by World Tourism Organization (2001). Essentially, cultural tourism is based on the mosaic of places, traditions, art forms, celebrations and experiences that portray of host nation and its people (National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, 2005). On other hand, following technical definition of cultural tourism: all movements of persons to specific cultural attractions, such a heritage sites, artistic and cultural appearances, arts and drama outside their usual place of residence are suggest by Bonink and Richards (1992). Generally, in the point of view, travelers with high socio-economic status, high levels of education, sufficient leisure time, and often having occupations related to the cultural industries and education is likely to be compose in culture tourism (Richards, 1996). 2.3 Tourisms Potential for Economic Growth Tourism is one of the important sectors of Malaysian economy growth; it is third income of the economy just after mining (petroleum) and manufacturing (Pazim @ Fadzim Othman, 2009). Rapid growth of tourism industry has been identified as a key driver of growth in the services sector. The industry has strengthened the services account of the payment and continues to be a hinge of foreign exchange earner, contributing to GDP (gross domestic product) growth, investment and jobs employment. (Senior Research Officer with the Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER), 2008) Generally, other related service industries, particularly food and beverages, accommodation, transport, entertainment, shopping, foreign currency development of regions (Avi Ella, 2009) and other small and medium-sized industries will be affected by the expansions of tourism industry on its growth. Based on the Ninth Malaysia Plan 2006-2010, tourism-related activities provided 492,000 jobs for employees which representing 4.4 per cent of the total workforce in 2006.Compare with 390,600 jobs in 2000, accounting for 4.2 per cent of the total workforce, it has increase 26 per cent of the work force. However, it is even greater in employment creation, when the strong linkages tourism with other segments of the economy, such as transportation, retail, utilities, food and beverages, as well as financial services are taking into account. (Senior Research Officer with the Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER), 2008) Moreover, tourism also plays an important role in helping low-income groups improving their livelihood and income earn through involvement in tourism-related activities, such as rural homestay program, eco- and agro-tourism tour guide activities as well as handicraft industries. Below is the statistic of homestay program in Malaysia. In April 2009, 3,150 Homestay participants had registered with Ministry of Tourism. (Tourism Malaysia, 2009) Statistic of Homestay Visitors Domestic Visitor International Visitor 2007 2008 Growth (%) 2007 2008 Growth (%) 51,055 68,416 34 21,368 23,117 8.2 Receipts of Homestay Receipts (RM) 2007 2008 Growth (%) Jan-Mac 2009 Growth (%) 4,923,433.30 6,393,676.63 29.9 2,319,018.40 7,755,616.30 Table 1: Statistic of Malaysia Homestay from Tourism Malaysia 2.3.1 Tourism Brings Prosperity to Malacca As a part of Heritage Worlds, Malacca is proud with its own economic performance at a macro level and is far better than the national level or that 11 other states. It holds huge potential in gaining more income for business and improves the livelihood of locals and has generated employment opportunities. (Bernama, February 20 2008). For the last 7 years, Malaccas economic performance successfully generated a stimulating growth of economy with an average Gross Domestic Output (GPP) of 5.8 per cent with its unique and amazing of tourism contribution. In 2008, more than 6 million people visited the historical state last year and spent RM3 billion during their stay. With the present Malaccas tourism campaign of Visiting Historical Malacca Means Visiting Malaysia, 6.8 million tourists are expected with the expectation they will be spending RM3.4 billion in their journey of traveling. With the slow growth of world economy, Malacca is harvesting more on the service sector and the crops are mainly come from the tourism industry. Its 65% of Malacca GDP in 2008. (Tourism Malacca, 2008) To ensuring the tourism sector progresses for the benefit of the state and its people, Malacca played an important role in Malaysias tourism industry as a historical and safe destination and with a unique mix of modern infrastructure and nation, the state government has implement a lot of projects in this several years and investing a lot of money to protect and renew the valuable heritage cultures and architectures. Malacca is highly optimistic of the tourist numbers and extrapolations point the number will reach 8.2 million by 2010. (Tourism Malacca, 2008) Table 2: Statistic from Tourism Melaka 2008 Adapting from Bernama report, Malacca Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam noted that, in ensuring the benefit of the state and its people with the progress of culture tourism sector, the state is in the midst of implementing several new high impact tourism projects. Among them is the development of Sungai Malacca at a cost of RM320mil as a new growth tourism centre that will parallel San Antonio River in the United States for its beauty and cleanliness. Several value-added projects are to be established along the banks of Sungai Malacca, among others the Casa Del Rio Boutique Hotel worth RM85mil, the Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) Complex valued at RM35mil and a marina worth RM25mil. Besides that, archaeological works on the Malacca Fort walls are being undertaken with an allocation of RM12.8mil from the Federal Government. The Malacca government through Tourism Malaysia, the Malacca State Tourism Action Committee and relevant agencies are always working out new ideas to turn Malacca into a compelling tourism centre in the world. With the emphasis given by state government on tourism events of international expend and working closely with United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in order to promote Malacca as one of world heritage sites to international tourists. With the acknowledgement from UNESCO, Malacca will continue remain as a tourism destination of choice for local and foreign tourists. Besides that, famous local traditional food such as nyonya food, Portugal ikan bakar, and chicken rice ball should exploit in advertisement of ICT to attract the cultural tourists to visit the state. It is important to note that such food is not only delicious but only can be found in Malacca. The art of cooking this delicious food can also be used as an attraction tool for cultural tourists. In addition, Malacca is also famous with its dessert such as baba type ais kacang, cendol, and coconut shake. For information, accommodation is not a problem where there are 5096 hotel rooms, 2458 resort hotel rooms, 484 chalets and 136 homestay rooms. Thus Malaccas tourism industry will continue to bringing greater prosperity to the state and its people. 2.3.2 Impact of Historical Tourism to Entrepreneurs/ Small Business in Malacca Tourism development provides an avenue for overall economic development and a boost for local entrepreneurship or small business activities. As a result, the encouragement of entrepreneurship and sustainable tourism development has emerged as core areas for policy support and donor-assisted funding across both developed and developing world. Tourism and Entrepreneurship: international perspectives provides an innovative, fresh approach reflecting on the most recent trends in tourism development. The central stage of the book is the role of entrepreneurship in the context of regional/local tourism development. From what I had observed, tourism in Malacca is increasing recently after being labeled as UNESCO World Heritage. The tourists are from local such as Johor, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor and so on. While for international tourists, mostly are from Singapore as they are just the neighbors of Malaysia, others are from Japan, Taiwan and China. On the other hand, with the increasing of tourism in Malacca, it also brings the impact to the small business especially small business/ entrepreneurs in Jonker Street, such as Malacca Nyoya Laksa, chicken rice ball, cendoll and traditional handicrafts. Beside from that, it also brings economic benefit to the small business near town such as Newton food court, Malacca Spring Tower, shopping mall such as Dataran Phalawan and Mahkota Perade. The business of tricycle at Red House Malacca also seems to be increase recently with the visit of tourists. For hotel business, it is part of the expenditures among the traveler, there is more and more hotels are build in Malacca, there are a lot of hotel choices rating from budget hotel to 5 start hotel such as Kings Hotel, Equatorial Hotel, Star Regency Hotel and Holiday Inn. During the weekend, the room of most hotels almost fully book, it is around 80% (9th Malaysia Plan). In addition, the eco-culture tourism also becomes one of the famous visited by tourism such as zoo Malacca, butterfly farm, tropical food and bee farm. In 2 years time, there will be another tourism site near by zoo Negara. It is Malacca Mini Water Park and another hotel will be build there to overcome the needs of tourists. In order to overcome the increase of tourists, historic Malacca will be introducing a RM272 million tram transportation system which will begin at the Plaza Tol Ayer Keroh here and cover 23 locations and a distance of 40 km to downtown in 2011. 2.4 Pro-poor Tourism Pro-poor tourism is an approaching of tourism to the poor that increases the net benefits (Ashley et. al, 2001). Pro-poor tourism is introduce long time ago as a tourism product and purely to ensure that the poorer section of the community too will have their share of the tourism economic pie in a host. It will decrease inequality and the increasing gap between the rich and poor which result in pro- poor growth. Deteriorating income distribution is part of a concern in Malaysia where poverty is becoming more complex coupled; new approaches are required since previous ones have little impact on poverty reduction (Yeang, 2005). 2.4.1 Assessment of Pro- Poor Tourism in Melaka Historic City Malacca is a popular tourism destination among international and domestic tourists as it is known for its historical past and rich in heritage site. Tourism is an important economic sector in Malacca and it is the second most concernment in terms of its contribution to the states revenue after manufacturing and mining. Malacca was able to attract 4 million international and domestic tourists in 2004, mostly concentrating in the Malacca Historic City itself. Compare with the total number of visitor in table 2, table 3 shows the number of international and domestic tourist arrivals in Malacca from 2001 to 2004. (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zainab Khalifah, Assoc. Prof. Dr Amran Hamzah, Nor Azina Dahlan, Ahmad Tajuddin Kechik, 2008) Table 3: Number of International and Domestic Tourist Arrivals in Malacca (2001- 2004) Category Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 Domestic 1.48 1.80 2.86 2.99 International 1.02 1.20 0.74 1.01 Total 2.50 3.00 3.60 4.00 2.4.2 Cities and Tourism From what had World Tourism Organization find out, recent trends and prognosis studies signifying that cities will continue to be in high demand by tourists of all sorts especially cities with UNESCO listed such as Malacca and Penang. With Malaysia benefits from its own special location and is ideal for foreign tourists searching for new world of tourism (Pazim @ Fadzim Othman, 2009). Many culture tourists like to spend their time wondering around in the cities to see its specialties and experiencing the culture, architectures, enthusiasm of nation and not least with it historical places. However, all parties concerned must be more systematically equipped and aware with the problems connected in handling of these tourists. (World Tourism Organization, 2009) Therefore, cities face is a double challenge. Firstly, good respondents to the expectations and needs of the growing numbers of tourists who are attracted to their rich and various ornament of cultural, business, entertainment, shopping, sports and other attractions; furthermore, in order to maintain their share in the competitive tourism market and the benefits resulting from it, continuous renovation and improve such infrastructure is needed to be construct annually. Secondly, cities have to ensure that tourism is developed and managed in such a way that it benefits the resident population, equality of development, does not contribute to the deterioration of the urban environment but rather to its enhancement, and does not become a financial burden to the local authority (AIDE MEMOIRE, 1999). There are three key dimensions of tourism in cities and urban areas: Products To enhance the unique appeal of Malacca tourism product and service, the state government continue to promote their states traditional advantages, its cultural and natural heritage with its eco- and agro- tourism. Other tourism products include theme parks, operators of events (sports, shows, and fairs), museums, hotels and also convention and exhibition (MICE) segment. (Night Malaysia Plan 2006-2010) Information As the relying of information in tourism sector is high, information and communication technology (ICT) contribute unlimitedly to the tourism business especially the Internet. It has substantially changed the strategy for tourism stakeholders, providing new challenges and opportunities in promoting and selling their products and services. Several campaign such as Visiting Historical Malacca Means Visiting Malaysia,, Malacca International Tourism Show (MITS) 2009, and ZOOM MELAKA can be spread to the worlds through ICT in form of internet, advertisement, e-commerce and news. (Senior Research Officer with the Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER), 2008) Impacts Economic and development opportunities as well as the impact of tourism growth on sustainable development, transportation, food and entertainments, cultural, and environmental, social and economic aspects form tourism industry to the cities and its people to be benefited. (AIDE MEMOIRE, 1999) 2.4.3 Implementation of State Government to Boost up Number of Tourist Arrivals to Historical City. With the impact of Malacca being label as UNESCO site, a number of tourism infrastructure projects have being implemented by state government in its effort to boost up the number of tourist arrivals, increasing their length of staying and to maximize revenue earn from tourism. These various tourism projects in relationship with the marginalized communities can be categorized as either circumstantial or deliberate. Circumstantial is development of tourism which is not targeted for the poor but the runoff over of the development benefits the poor. Deliberate is when the development is mainly aimed for the poor. (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zainab Khalifah, Assoc. Prof. Dr Amran Hamzah, Nor Azina Dahlan, Ahmad Tajuddin Kechik, 2008) Tables 4 and 5, it briefly list the various government tourism projects and special events, the agency responsible for the development, aim of the development and its benefits to the marginalized communities. A scale, ranging from 1 for low benefit to 3 for high benefit is used as an estimate to indicate the benefits received by the marginalized communities. Table 4: Tourism Projects and its Benefit to Marginalized Communities No Government Tourism Projects Agency AIM/ Purpose Benefits to Marginalized Communities 1 Malacca River Rehabilitation MOTOUR/ MBMB To beautify revitalize Malacca River as a tourist attraction 2 Opportunities available but need intervention. Potential future benefit from boat cruise. 2 Street Improvement Scheme along Jln. Tokong/Jln. Tukang Besi/Jln. Tukang Emas And Jln. Hang Jebat Ministry Of Housing And Local Government To create safe and conducive walking environment for tourists 1 Gentrify and revitalize inner cities Benefit elite businessmen 3 Development of Hang Tuah Mall based on the concept of Bukit Bintang Walk Ministry Of Housing And Local Government /MBMB Revitalize shopping precinct 2 To provide flagship tourism product (State icon product) Meant to house petty traders but the high rent hinders their participations 4 Restoration of 18 units of shop houses along Jln Laksamana MBMB To visually enhance gateway to Malacca and to attract tourist users 2 Still maintain previous occupants 5 Mini museum/gallery at Portuguese Settlement/Kg.Chetti/Kg.Pali PERZIM To showcase and preserve Melakas Heritage 1 Poor presentation Low tourist appeal Superficial No emotional attachment Lack Revenue capture Mechanism 6 Conservation restoration of historical building, national monuments Museum Antiquity Department To showcase Cultural diversity and Preserve Malacca heritage 3 Allows trinkets sellers to set up stalls along popular tourist route 7 Restoration of Atlas Ice PERZIM Cultural centre. Business incubator for handicraft. To supply Genuine handicraft. 1. Low Benefit 2. Moderate Benefit 3. High Benefit Table 5: Special Events and its Benefits to Marginalized Communities No Special Tourism Events Agency AIM/ Purpose Benefits to Marginalized Communities 1 Jonker Walk : Involves the closures of Jalan Hang Jebat (Jonker Street) on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings to be turned into a cultural night market Jonker Walk Committee Chinese Chamber Of Commerce To introduce night life and activities as well as the cultural ambience 2 Directly benefits food sellers within the area. 2 Seasonal/ Cultural/ Religious Events Portuguese Settlement San Pedro Fiesta Intrudo (Water Festival) San Juang Fiesta (Light Festival) Christmas Portuguese Committee To preserve religious and cultural heritage 3 Commodification of culture and high direct benefit even though seasonal Extend length of festival (no of days) 3 Kg Chetti Ponggol Festival New Year Deepavali Trustee Executive To preserve religious and cultural heritage 1 Fail to capitalize the benefits of various events 1. Low Benefit 2. Moderate Benefit 3. High Benefit The qualitative assessments of the preliminary show that opportunities do exist for marginalized communities to benefit from tourism. However, in order to fully exploit the benefits of tourism due to their present situation, involving and assistance are required for them to make the plans and projects to success. (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zainab Khalifah, Assoc. Prof. Dr Amran Hamzah, Nor Azina Dahlan, Ahmad Tajuddin Kechik, 2008) 2.5 ICT in Historical Tourism As the market for tourism is highly depending on information, information and communication technology (ICT) can contribute boundlessly to the tourism business. ICT have essentially changed the method of playing for tourism stakeholders, providing new challenges and opportunities in promoting and selling their products and services,
Writing as Art in The Painted Bird :: Painted Bird Essays
Writing as Art in The Painted Bird   Three Works Cited  The use of art has many functions. It lacks a satisfactory definition and is easier to describe it as a way something is done --â€Å"the use of skill and imagination in the creation of aesthetic objects, environments, or experiences that can be shared with others† --rather than what it is. Jerzy Kosinski’s The Painted Bird describes the disasters that befall a six-year-old boy who is separated from his parents and wanders through the primitive Polish-Soviet borderlands during the war. Kosinski fails to mention the boy’s name and the names of the towns the boy travels over throughout the text. This enables the reader to assume that this child could have possibly been any unfortunate youngster during the war. Kosinski’s writings organize the chaos of the boy’s life experiences through form. The use of both organic and conventional form throughout the book draws the reader closer to the horrific encou nters the young boy faced on a daily basis.            Using writing as a method of art organizes the chaos of experience through form. Kosinski’s novel applies organic form to portray the appalling predicaments the boy encountered during the separation from his family. The use of organic form in the formal pattern offers the reader the â€Å"what-will-be-next†scenario before they proceed through the pages. Kosinski gives the reader a taste of the animalistic characteristics of the towns’ people the boy confronts during the war. This allows the reader not to be â€Å"shocked†when the peasants the boy faces demonstrated an extraordinary predilection for incest, sodomy, and meaningless violence.            While reading â€Å"The Painted Bird†, the reader gains the impression that religion seemed to be a high priority for the village people. However, Kosinski’s use of conventional form to inform his readers that church was a very important part of the  culture in these villages seemed to contradict this portrayal. In the culminating incident of the book, the boy drops a missal while he’s helping service Mass and is flung by the angry parishioners into a pot of manure . Emerging from the pit he realizes that he has lost the power of speech. Church goes watched as the young boy was tossed into the manure and no one tried to assist him. A group of bullies pushes the boy, a presumed spy or Jew, below the ice of a frozen pond.
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Stars Are My Destination :: essays research papers fc
The Stars My Destination Introduction '...The key turned in the lock of his soul and the door was opened. What emerged expunged the Common Man forever.'; The Stars My Destination ~pg 22 Gully Foyle. Uneducated. No skills. No merits. No recommendations. A short description given by the author Alfred Bester of his main character as the stereotypical Common Man of humanity. A man who later motivated himself to become something more than just a 'mere' man. Within the few pages of just the first chapter, Bester had pulled me into the diluted, freakish mind of Gully Foyle. the Story... As the story began, Gulliver Foyle was awaiting death aboard the wreckaged ship NOMAD in deep space. It's been six months since the NOMAD was left out to rust. Foyle just happened to be the sole survivor. Until one day, a sister ship to the NOMAD, VORGA managed to cross paths with the wreckage. Foyle did everything he could to send out rescue signals. But alas, his actions were wasted time and effort, for she had rejected him. And thus began his quest for vengeance upon the VORGA. As his ship drifted out further into space, Foyle had spent his entire time aboard not welcoming death anymore. Instead he was now obsessing himself with the destruction of VORGA. For the first time in his life, Foyle was now motivated. He felt the need to punish and there was nothing anybody could do. He had vowed to himself to fight anything that was a threat towards his plans to destroy the ship that could have saved him. While floating, into an asteroid belt, he was saved by the Scientific People of the Sargasso Asteroid. A tiny planet that was built by man. Primarily made of rock and two hundred years of salvaged ships. The tiny planet had made a new addition to their planet and population. It's rather ironic that of all people, Bester had decided to reverse the psychological role of scientists on this planet. He had turned the scientists into our definition of uncultivated savages in society. During his stay with the Scientific People, Foyle was forced into their society whether he liked it or not. They had given him a new name and tattoo across his face: NOMAD. Foyle knew he couldn't stay. He still had a score to settle and so he busted off the asteroid with a vengeance burning higher. After escaping the Sargasso Asteroid, Foyle was then picked up by the Navy and
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Economics, Accounting, Finance and Management :: MBA College Admissions Essays
Having a flair for Economics and accounting I have decided that I want a degree in Accounting and Finance or Management. The many brilliant representatives of the management community around the world have strengthened that resolve. When I worked in my school as a tutor of English as a Second Language for students from a community school in Muscat, I realized the importance of a strong leader who could organize, command respect, and be able to work well with others. These ideas were further enforced by my month long internship at Novartis Pharmaceutical (Accounts and Finance Department and Human Resources Department). I attended the Harvard Model Congress in Paris and won the Award of Distinction. One skill in particular that contributed to this award was my confident public speaking.  The last 4 months have been crucial in my learning of real world business and economics. For my IB Extended Essay, titled "To What Extent Does Subway in Oman Operate as an Oligopoly", I set out to prove the oligpolistic structure of the fast food market in Oman. In this effort, I have come across many real life complexities in pricing behaviour, profit making and other aspects of the Theory of the Firm. While attempting to explain these alternate theories of firms I have developed a keen interest in analyzing and understanding how the world of business works.  After an undergraduate degree in accounting and finance or management I plan to go onto post graduate studies and work on an MBA. A strong performance in a BA will allow me to move onto an MBA and only then shall I be satisfied.  For the last four years I have been part of our schools volleyball team ICE. We have retained our ISAC (Inter Schools Activities Conference, Middle East) title for four years. Playing in the power hitters (spiker) position requires immense physical fitness and to accomplish that I regularly go to the gym for fitness training. I am also part of my school track and field team. Being the fastest sprinter in the school since 11th grade the 100m, 200m and 400m races are my specialty even though I still pursue long distance running. In my spare time I explore and master the computer as I am conversant with a Visual Basic Programming course.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Being Educated and Trained
Author Albert Jay Nock discusses what he termed as the change in the purpose of American education. Instead of concentrating on â€Å"training,†which is supposed to provide individuals with proficiency, education today centers on the intellectual gains. Nock compares the purposes of training and of education: that is, he states that in the past, training had a vocational focus that, â€Å"bore directly upon what he could do or get, while his education bore directly on neither; it bore upon what he could become and be†(par. 2).However, as Nock stated, the differences between the two were â€Å"practically wiped out†(par. 3). One major disadvantage of education, according to Nock, is that it prevents people from cooperating and working with each other, thus encourages competition and leaves the educated human a â€Å"solitary figure†(par. 5). Training, on the other hand, tends to do the opposite as it brings people together. In addition, training typical ly encourages individuals to live a simple life and be happy with what they have attained, either in skills or earning power.Education, in contrast, tends to encourage a person to live an unsatisfied life, continuously seeking for more than what he or she already has. Looking at Nock’s perspectives and standards, I feel that I am both an educated person as well as a trained person. I value the processes of learning things as having its own rewards in the end and the importance of intellectual growth and development in my life. However, I also feel that I can do the things that I have been taught to do with a degree of competency and proficiency through the training I have received in school.I value individualism, personal satisfaction, and happiness, as much as I value collaborative effort or cooperation in work and activities and simplistic living. Moreover, as Nock contended, education calls for educated humans to like and value thinking, one that is critical and objective that is. As what the Columbia University president said, very few people like to do this because they do not like thinking per se and it disrupts or hinders them from what they are doing.As for me, critical and objective thinking is also one hobby or vocation that is difficult to come by. Only when crucial times call for it or when it is truly needed does thinking take over. This is because most of the time, I am more focused with my physical, emotional, and psychological well-being that critical and objective thinking only surface for academic purposes. In addition, I am more of a feeling-based person than a thinking-based one since my relationships and emotions stand above in the decisions I make.I do not see anything wrong with this because as a trained individual, this is how I value things in my life and the choices and rights I have. However, as an educated individual and as Nock held, I choose â€Å"to cultivate a sense of history†(par. 9) in my life. Learning the pas t for me is learning how to cope with the present and the future. There are a lot of life lessons we can all get from the experiences of people from the past and their mistakes serve as our guide in our personal and societal undertakings.It is part of our responsibility as educated or trained citizens of this nation to look back and know how our forefathers have fought for our democracy just so we can enjoy this freedom we currently experience. But I do not go â€Å"all the way back to the politics of Rome and Athens†(par. 9) all the time to evaluate the present times. Because as a critical, objective, and educated individual, I should know that there are instances in the past that cannot be applied in the present because of the differences in time, in people, in places, and in technology.This is why history is essential for an educated society, but it is not the only factor that an educated person should consider in the present. In conclusion, I can say that I am both an ed ucated and trained individual in that I value the boring intellectual learning I have to pass through, as well as the direct training I need in attaining true education. There are prices to be paid and sacrifices to be made in attaining education, but it will be worth it in the future when I â€Å"could do and get†and â€Å"become and be. â€
Friday, August 16, 2019
Creatinine Lab
Title: Creatinine Assay Aim: To determine the creatinine clearance of a selected undiluted urine samples by graphical extrapolation from a creatinine curve. Materials and Apparatus: University of the West Indies: Department of Basic Medical Sciences Laboratory Manual: BC35A, Creatinine Assay, pages 6-8, 2012 Changes to the Method: The experiment utilized one undiluted urine samples for concentration determination instead of five aliquots of twenty four hour urine samples.The urine sample and standard creatinine solutions were analyzed spectrophotometrically approximately five minutes after they were made up instead of using the allotted time interval (minutes) as suggested by the laboratory manual. Results: Please see attachments. Discussion Creatinine is a chemical waste molecule that is generated from muscle metabolism. It is an anhydride of creatine, the end product of phosphocreatine metabolism; measurements of its rate of urinary excretion are used as diagnostic indicators of ki dney function and muscle mass. The experiment utilized serum creatinine.Creatinine is filtered out of the blood by the kidneys (glomerular filtration). There is little tubular reabsorption of creatinine. If the filtering of the kidney is deficient, creatinine blood levels rise. Therefore, creatinine levels in blood and urine may be used to calculate the creatinine clearance which reflects the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). The GFR is clinically important because it is a measurement of renal function . A more complete estimation of renal function can be made when interpreting the blood (plasma) concentration of creatinine along with that of urea.BUN-to-creatinine ratio (the ratio of blood urea nitrogen to creatinine) can indicate other problems besides those intrinsic to the kidney; for example, a urea level raised out of proportion to the creatinine may indicate a pre-renal problem such as volume depletion. The typical human reference ranges for serum creatinine are 0. 5 to 1. 0 mg/dl (about 45-90 ? mol/l) for women and 0. 7 to 1. 2 mg/dl (60-110 ? mol/L) for men. While a baseline serum creatinine of 2. 0 mg/dl (150 ? mol/l) may indicate normal kidney function in a male body builder.The experimental creatinine levels obtained for the undiluted sample of creatinine is ____________, the values obtained are significantly higher than the normal creatinine values for a healthy male or female. Factors that may contribute to the elevated levels of serum creatinine may include; a disorder of the kidneys and impaired renal function. These disorders include glomerulonephritis characterized by inflammation of the blood vessels in the kidneys, bacterial infection of the kidneys or pyelonephritis and acute tubular necrosis, or cell death in the kidneys' small tubes caused by toxic substances.Obstruction of the urinary tract, such as with prostate disease or kidney stones, can also cause impaired kidney function and lead to elevated creatinine levels. Increased muscle ma ss indicates increased creatine phosphate, which translates to increased creatinine levels in the blood. Acromegaly and gigantism are disorders caused by abnormality of the pituitary gland and can be associated with increased muscle mass also the ingestion of steroidal substances that stimulates an increase in muscle mass.When medical conditions affect normal blood flow to the kidneys, renal function becomes impaired thus increasing creatinine levels in the blood. Shock, or a sudden critical drop in blood flow to the body, compromises renal status because the kidneys are not being nourished. Dehydration causes reduced renal blood flow, as well. In people with congestive heart failure, the heart is not adequately pumping blood towards the kidneys and other organs. Atherosclerosis, or narrowing of the arteries, and diabetic nephropathy are other conditions that reduce blood flow to the kidneys.Precautions/Sources of Error: 1. The experiment utilize spectrophotometric machines that are susceptible to light interfence from the external environment and interference from glassware that is not properly cleaned, this may cause inaccurate readings. 2. Contamination of serum standard solutions of creatinine may give inaccurate readings when using the spectrophotometric machines, hence contamination should be prevented by using clean glassware and wearing all the protected clothing that is applicable. Questions a) Factors that may contribute to varying creatinine levels include: (1)The most common abnormality in a creatinine blood level is a change in kidney function. The kidneys are composed of around a million filters for each kidney, called nephrons. Each of these nephrons contains tubular structures that accomplish the filtering of waste materials and the re-absorption of necessary materials in the blood that passed through the nephrons. Most creatinine is normally filtered out along two structures called the glomerulus and proximal convoluted tubule, maintaining the low levels of creatinine in the blood.A rise in creatinine blood levels indicates that this filtration is not taking place, suggesting there is a problem with kidney function. (2) Creatinine levels can be affected by transient or non-disease factors that are not kidney malfunction. Bodybuilders, because of the excess of muscular tissue that creates creatinine, will typically have high levels of creatinine. Severe dehydration will cause higher than normal creatinine. Eating a great deal of meat just hours before blood is drawn can elevate creatinine levels.Some drugs will cause higher than normal creatinine blood levels. These causes are ruled out before a follow up test to determine the cause of elevated creatinine. Low creatinine levels may indicate muscular dystrophy or myasthenia gravis. (3) Preeclampsia is a condition during pregnancy, the cause of which is poorly understood. Elevated creatinine may indicate preeclampsia in pregnant women, especially women on their first pregna ncy. Untreated preeclampsia can lead to eclampsia, a life-threatening seizure disorder.Elevated creatinine in conjunction with swelling of the hands and face is an early sign of preeclampsia. Later signs may include persistent headache, pain in the upper-right quadrant of the abdomen, inadequate urination, agitation and nausea. 2b) The amount of creatinine the body produces each day depends on the person's muscle mass: a young, muscular man produces more creatinine than a average non athletic male. Because muscle mass normally changes very little, creatinine is usually produced at about the same rate every day in each person.However, if continuous exercise is performed as in the case of an athlete the muscle employs the creatine phosphate metabolism more often and hence more creatine and creatinine is metabolized which will eventually increase the muscle mass of the individual. Athletes may also ingest creatine which will stimulate the production of creatinine in the body and will c ontribute to an increase in muscle mass. 2c) The blood urea test is a measure of the amount of nitrogen in the blood in the form of urea, and a measurement of renal function.Urea is a by-product from metabolism of proteins by the liver and is removed from the blood by the kidneys. The liver produces urea in the urea cycle as a waste product of the digestion of protein. Normal human adult blood should contain between 7 to 21 mg of urea nitrogen per 100 ml (7–21 mg/dL) of blood. BUN is an indication of renal health. Normal ranges 2. 5-6. 5mmol/L. If Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) and blood volume then BUN will increase. Conclusion The experimental results indicate that there was a elevated serum creatinine level that was above the normal levels.Elevated serum concentration may indicate impaired liver function. The serum creatinine level was found to be ______________. References 1. Delanghe J; De Slypere JP, De Buyzere M, Robbrecht J, Wieme R, Vermeulen A (Aug 1989). â€Å"N ormal reference values for creatine, creatinine, and carnitine are lower in vegetarians†. Retreived October 3, 2012. 2. â€Å"The creatine-creatinine equilibrium. The apparent dissociation constants of creatine and creatinine. Retrieved October 3, 2012. 3. â€Å"International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: creatine supplementation and exercise†. October 3, 2012.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Organisational Business Practices Essay
Organization is a principle of life. We seek the help of organizations to meet our day to day requirements such as to feeding, clothing, educating entertaining, protecting etc. However, organizations are not contemporary creations. Modern society has more organizations which are fulfilling a larger category of societal and personal needs. Organizations are so encompassing in the modern life that it is sometimes easy to overlook that each may be regarded as an entity with a specific contribution and specific goals. Organization is a system of consciously coordinated activities of two or more persons in order to achieve a common goal. It is a system of four major internal interacting components such as: task, people, technology and structure. Organizations are said to be open systems. A number of metaphors can be used to think and explain about the nature of organization. There are eight archetypical metaphors of organization: Machines, Organisms, Brains, Cultures, Political Systems, Psychic Prisons, Flux and Transformation, Instruments of Domination. General Discussion Document: Director of Marketing is proposing to introduce a new process of sales at Superior Sales Corporation for which there will be changes as per the present set up. Staff are likely to resist the change hence some suggestions are placed to reduce the resistance. Organization Structure: Functional superiority can only be achieved if there is enough reliability and focus within each business unit. Elites are those specialized organizational units with closeness to power and having superior capability. Their functions signify a particular organization’s typical capability. It is, important that more than one such elite function exist. They need to be complementary so as to make sure that they serve as a check on another. Pluralist are those essential forces that play a important role in decision making. The tension that is created amongst these forces stimulates thoughts and lead to self-improvement and competitiveness, Elite functions bring main strengths to an organization, but must assist with the whole to attain shared results. The stronger and more competent the elites are, the more difficult it is to achieve cross-functional teamwork. The organization’s challenge is therefore to ensure that these functions are on a par with that of competition, but at the same time they need to ensure that they respond to market demands by cutting across these functional compartments. Organization Cultures: Organizations are mini-societies that have their own distinctive patterns of culture. Culture is a modern concept used in a social sense to refer broadly to civilization and social system. Its increasing use within the social sciences has led to definitions of varying generality, which develop in a host of ways. Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. There is a growing literature of relevance how organization can be understood as a cultural phenomenon. It is valuable to understand the relationship between culture and industrialization. The greatest strength of this metaphor is that it shows how organizations rests in shared systems of meaning, values, ideologies, beliefs and other social practices that ultimately shape and guide organized action. Reactive and Proactive Changes: Forces for change arise out of an organization’s interaction with elements in its external or internal environment. The action of competitors, suppliers, government units or public groups may have substantial impacts on change. Social and cultural factors such as life styles, values or beliefs also lead to important changes. Forces of change may also arise from within an organization depending upon different phases of growth or demands made by different interest groups. Reactive changes occur when these forces make it necessary for a change to be implemented. Proactive change takes place when some forces to change lead an organization to conclude that a particular change is desirable and goes about in initiating the change in a planned manner. The difference between reactive and proactive changes corresponds to that between reflexive behavior and purposive behavior. Reactive change, like reflexive behavior, involves a limited part of the system whereas proactive change and purposive behavior coordinate the parts of the system as a whole. Organizational change has noted that many participants respond with dogged resistance to altering the status quo. In the industrial phenomenon workers have at times sought, in extremely violent fashion, to block the introduction of new technology. Supervisors and lower level managers have balked at large scale projects in job redesign and job enrichment; even low level employees, the presumed beneficiaries of such projects, have fought such changes. Senior managers have fought pitched battles against realignment of corporate structure. Even the proposal by a course coordinator to adopt a different style of presenting the report is capable of touching off a frenzy of defensive tactics to resist change. Such behavior may be either overt or covert. Overt resistance may take the form of employees deliberately failing to do the things necessary for successful change or simply being unenthusiastic about the change. The absence of overt resistance does not mean that resistance is not present, as resistance may be hidden from direct observation. Covert resistance can be more detrimental to change than open resistance because it is harder to identify and eliminate. There are at least two sets of factors which explain the process of resistance. One set relates to the personality and the other relates to the social system. Decreasing the Resistance: Managers who have been responsible for implementation have developed personal perspective consisting of assumption and strong feelings about how change should be introduced. These philosophies fall into two camps, either tops-down or bottoms-up. The Tops-down Strategy: The advocates of this strategy believe that, in general, people resist changes and require direction and structure for their well being as well as to work efficiently and effectively. The basic psychological contract between employees and management, it is assumed, is one in which the employee provides work, effort and commitment and expects in return pay, benefits, and a clear definition of what is expected to be done. It follows that it is the management’s responsibility to design the changes it deems appropriate and to implement these thoroughly but quickly by directives from the top. The Bottoms-up Strategy The advocates of this approach profess what to them is a more enlightened view of human nature. They argue that people welcome change and the opportunity to contribute to their own productivity, especially if the change gives them more variety in their work and more autonomy. These managers assume people have a psychological contract which includes an expectation that they be involved in designing change as well as in implementing it. Commitment to change, they say, follows from involvement in the total change process and is essential to successful implementation.
Essay on Essay
Questions: 1. What details in the first two paragraphs convey a sense of the ordinary, behind-the-scenes routines of film critics? What words or phrases suggest the longevity of Ebert’s career as a movie reviewer?The part where it says, â€Å"Some of them look as though they plan on camping out, with their coats, blankets, lunches, and laptops spread out on the seats around them,†shows that this is the routine of the film critics because they are comfortable in the room together. Also, the room has comfortable chairs for the critics to get nice and comfortable in. He says that Ebert is the most renowned movie critic in the world. This indicates that he must have been doing this for a long time to be famous for this.2. How does Chris Jones distinguish Ebert from his fellow reviewers? Why is this contrast important?He shows that Ebert is old school and goes off his memory since he only has a pen and note pad to make notes, where all the other critics will be on their com puters for hours writing after the movie.3. How does Jones’s description of Ebert’s reaction to Broken Embraces help us understand Ebert’s character? What words or phrases reveal Ebert’s attitude toward the experience of watching this film?Ebert shows that he likes the movie very much and shows joy by taking excited notes.4. What are the connotations of â€Å"kid joy†?â€Å"Kid joy†means being purely happy, like a little kid running through sprinklers or around a playground.5. Jones writes that, at the end of the film, â€Å"it looks as though [Ebert’s] sitting on top of a cloud of paper.†Jones then describes how Ebert â€Å"kicks his notes into a small pile with his feet.†Why are these images important?What side of Ebert’s personality do they reveal? These images are important because it shows Ebert’s frustration.6. Why does Jones use the word â€Å"savoring†to describe Ebert’s quiet p ause after the film ends?It shows that Ebert is taking in the feelings of happiness because it was such a good picture.7. What does Jones mean when he says that the moment Ebert said his last words before losing the ability to talk to cancer â€Å"wasn’t cinematic†? Why is this significant?Ebert cant remember it, while someone’s last words would be meaningful and memorable, so it is not cinematic.8. What details are important in Jones’s description of Ebert’s second-floor library? What do the objects in this room suggest about Ebert’s current life?He had everything he could want in that room. The objects in this room suggest that his life simple and old fashioned.9. Why does Jones say reading Ebert’s post-cancer online journal is like â€Å"watching an Aztec pyramid being built†?He says this because it shows Ebert’s journey to win his battle against cancer and even though it seemed impossible, he managed to push though i t.10. What words and phrases suggest the post-cancer, post-voice surge of productivity Ebert experienced in his writing?â€Å"Feverishly banging the keys of his MacBook Pro†and â€Å"massive monument of written debateâ€
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