Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Stem Cell Research The Medical Field For Future Studies...
Our entire bodies are made up of cells; without them, our bodies would not be able to thrive, let alone be created. Our bones, muscles, organs, tissues and skin are all composed of specialized cells that code for the type of cell they are assigned to be. Many body cells, for example, a liver cell, can reproduce many new cells; but the cells reproduced are only capable of being created as a liver cell. This example is a major reason why researchers are so interested in stem cell research. Stem cells are not specialized to a particular purpose in the body. Stem cells hold power to become any type of cell in the body. This is relevant to researchers in the medical field for future studies and cures. Stem cells are unique compared to other types of cells due to their unspecialized characteristic and the ability to become a new kind of specialized cell with the help of an experimental condition. They are also unique while studying their capability of dividing and renewing themselves even if dormant for an extended period of time. Scientists have begun to work primarily with two types of stem cells. These two cells are derived from animal and human cells, known as Embryonic Stem Cells (ESC) and Adult Stem Cells or also known as Somatic Stem cells. Somatic cells are easier to obtain throughout the body and are found inside of different types of tissues. Somatic cells have been found in tissues throughout the body such as; blood, muscles, skin, brain, and bone marrow. These cellsShow MoreRelatedResearch On Stem Cell Research1459 Words  | 6 PagesTo Provide Medical Treatments or Not People with serious medical conditions constantly seek assistance and cures for recovery. However, many of these problems are currently untreatable. Scientists constantly try to find new ways to help patients in need. Studies done in the past few years have displayed many possible methods. Stem cell research is a recent discovery that brings intense controversy: one side believes that the research is beneficial to the advancement of finding medical treatmentsRead MoreAn Argument in Favor of Stem Cell Research Essay1507 Words  | 7 Pagesbattle more heated than in the fight over stem cell research. While supporters of this new field of science tout it’s potential to cure everything from blindness to paralysis, those against stem cell science liken the procedures used by scientists to murder. It is my intention to bring to light the positive benefits of stem cell research as well as counter the claims used by many Pro-life groups who believe the scientists driving this inno vative field of study are nothing more than murders. Most scientistsRead MoreA Research Study On Stem Cell Research1644 Words  | 7 PagesStem cell research has covered many parts of research today and is growing progressively and becoming more common in research today. These cells have the potential to grow and develop into any other cell type in the body and form or make up the tissues of the body and organs. There are millions of people today who suffer from birth defects or diseases because of damaged cells or tissue. Stem cells give researchers the ability cure and replace almost all the cells in the body and help grow new tissueRead MoreStem Cell Research And The Medical Field Essay1736 Words  | 7 PagesStem cells have become one of the largest research fields in the Department of Regenerative Medicine. They are often referred to as the â€Å"building blocks of nature†due to their ability to transform into any type of cell in the human body. It has led to the controversy of the possible chance that stem cells ca n regenerate organs, and cure life threatening diseases. This topic has been publicly discussed among scientists and healthcare professionals. There are different types of stem cells, such asRead MoreStem Research On Stem Cell Research1530 Words  | 7 PagesHiga Capstone 2 October, 2014 Stem Cell Beats Ethic Issues Stem cell research is the most controversial topic in the health field since abortion. Stem cell research however, has the potential to unlock an infinite amount of possibilities as well be the key to curing patients with terminal illnesses. Many people from around the world have their opinions on this type of research dealing with ethics, politics, and religion. The most efficient way to study stem cells is taking them from donated embryosRead MoreThe Debate Of Embryonic Stem Cell Research1460 Words  | 6 Pages I believe that embryonic stem cell research should be allowed in the United States. From previous encounters with the topic I have learned that the many benefits that can come from stem cell research are without a doubt astounding and unimaginable. There are simply endless possibilities that can arise if the research was allowed to be conducted. From giving back vision to rebuilding tissue, any advance in stem cell research would be beneficial to the medical world. W ith the help that the advancesRead MoreThe Controversial Topic Of Stem Cell Research Essay1414 Words  | 6 PagesStem Cell Research is still the most controversial topic in science today. The idea behind the experiment involves the development, use, and destruction of human embryos. The research method mainly focuses on embryonic stem cells, which involves taking tissue from an aborted embryo to get a better look at the cell and obtain information for the fundamental properties of the cells. Embryonic stem cells play a major role in the research because the cell provides information for cell development toRead MoreStem Cell Research Controversy Essay681 Words  | 3 Pagesover stem cell research’s use in the medical field is almost two decades old. So why the sudden intense return of fierce political debates over an old issue? It’s because President Obama recently revoked the ban on stem cell research, as he believes it holds the potential to revolutionize the m edical industry in the years to come. As USA Today quoted him saying in March, after he stopped restricting federal funding for stem cell research, At this moment, the full promise of stem cell research remainsRead MoreThe Controversy Of Embryonic Stem Cells1034 Words  | 5 PagesFor decades, researchers’ use of stem cells has caused a controversy and the consideration of the ethics of research involving the development, usage, and destruction of human embryos. Most commonly, this controversy focuses on embryonic stem cells. Not all stem cell research involves the creation, usage and destruction of human embryos. For example, adult stem cells, amniotic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells do not involve creating, using or destroying human embryos and thus areRead MoreResearch On Stem Cell Research1582 Words  | 7 Pagesis beginning to fall behind in its advancement in research compared to the rest of the world due, to the lack of federal funding. One advan cement which creates conflicts and dilemmas is stem cell research. The conflicts are specific types of stem cells are unethical and not morally right to research on, but not all stem cells are this way. Stem cell research is the study of different types of stem cells and their possible clinical uses. Stem cells can be developed to act as treatments for different
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Crime And Its Effects On Urban Areas - 1968 Words
Crime is a familiar and perilous concern in American society, and crime damages the foundation of this America. The ongoing population shift from rural to urban areas has helped to facilitate crime in the United States through the decades. Showing the focused element and impact of crime in society and the consequence of crime in urban areas, is to better understand the people, and knowing that when criminals know the procedures of the crime they get new opportunity to do it. Examining the crimes can give insight into who and why, but there are many extenuating circumstances which need to be factored. Urbanization has given opportunity and capability for the criminal element to thrive. Criminal activities are an onus for any nation,†¦show more content†¦(Department of Homeland Security 2017) Race will be defined as white and non-white. Crime also needs to be defined as â€Å"white collar†or â€Å"blue collar†, this allows for differentiation between who is co mmitting which types of crime. the Letric Law Library defines white and blue collar crime as, â€Å"Blue-collar crime is a term given to criminal acts more likely to be committed by citizens of lower social class in society, such as those which inflict direct harm on the person or property of others. This is in contrast to white-collar crime, which is generally committed by citizens of higher social class, who are more likely to be presented with the opportunity to commit such crimes.†(Blue Collar Crime). Blue collar crimes are more likely to be of a violent nature and committed by people in a lower economic position. Although White collar crime can be extremely harmful, it is not generally physical, or physically damaging and for the most part committed by people of a higher social status. For the purposes of this paper, blue collar crime as it has been defined will be the focus. Urban crime is being committed at a higher rate than rural crime, according to National Cr ime Vitim’s Survey, â€Å"In 2012, the rate of violent victimizations reported by victims to the NCVS was 3,240 per 100,000 persons’ age 12 or older in urban areas, 2,380 per 100,000 persons’ age 12 or older in suburban areas, and 2,090 per 100,000Show MoreRelatedPoverty and Crime (Sociology)1600 Words  | 7 Pagesand Crime A social issue that has always intrigued me was crime (petty crime, violent crime, etc) in impoverished urban areas and the social and economic impact that crime causes in these areas. Before conducting my research into this topic, I have always pondered why crime and poverty are so closely related. Are these two so closely linked solely because of the lack of income in the area? Or are there some other unknown or unexplained reasons that influence crime in impoverished urban areasRead MoreWhite Flight, And The Effects Of It1482 Words  | 6 PagesThere have been many different studies that focus particularly on white flight, and the effects of it. Many studies particularly focus on reasons why it happened, and rarely on the effects of it. This particular paper will focus on the effects of white flight. It will mainly focus on certain effects such as crime and income levels within urban areas. White flight is a process in which white people, especially middle class white people, from inner city neighborhoods undergoing racial integrationRead MoreThe Social Of Crime And Criminal Behavior882 Words  | 4 Pagesneighborhoods or environments have on crime has been observed and studied throughout the last two centuries. Many theories, such as the social disintegration theory, have been hypothesized to explain the effects of certain neighborhoods on crime. In addition, other theories have been presented, such as the collective efficacy theory, which serve to explain the reasons for reduced crime in other neighborhoods while presenting possible solutions to solve the problem of crime in society. This paper willRead MoreEssay on Why so Much Crime is Committed in Urban Areas606 Words  | 3 PagesWhy so Much Crime is Committed in Urban Areas Crime in urban areas has been on the increase since the 1950s, why? What has happened to cause crime to become almost an accepted part of inner city life? There are plenty of crime figures available for every city in the world, but reading numbers from a list does not explain why more crimes are being committed, to try to understand we have to look at what has changed in urban communities and how these changes have affectedRead MoreProperty Crime Report1462 Words  | 6 Pagesstatistics on major factors that affects the property crime rates in the U.S. Abstract: The property crime rates of 45.7% occurs more in urban areas. About 16.8% of the crimes were committed by high school dropouts and only 0.4% of the crimes that occurs were related to the population density. The type of property crimes that happens includes larceny-theft, home burglary, home invasion, grand theft auto, forgery, and arson. These types of crimes may be caused by factors such as high school dropoutsRead MoreSocial Disorganization Theory Of Rural Youth Violence1603 Words  | 7 Pagesneighborhood context alone. Wanting to extend the theory of social disorganization and crime beyond the scope of large urban cities, D. Wayne Osgood and Jeff M. Chambers released their study, Social Disorganization Outside the Metropolis: An Analysis of Rural Youth Violence, in order to â€Å"assess the generalizability to this setting of the social disorganization theory of crime that has been developed and tested in urban communities†(Osgood Chambers, 2000). They hypothesize that rates of juvenile delinquencyRead MoreUrban Decline With Middle Class1445 Words  | 6 Pagesnotion of gentrification that indicated the urban decline with middle class individuals abruptly and surprisingly moving into neighborhood where crime rates were tremendously high. In the study, time- arrangement information from fourteen gentrified neighborhoods in Boston, New York, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C., were broke down to figure out whether gentrification had an impact on wrongdoing rates in focal city n eighborhoods. The areas took after each other in natural or locationalRead MoreUrban Migration During The Industrialization1708 Words  | 7 Pagesboth countries. In England, the percentage of population living in urban areas saw an increase from 17% to 72% in during the Industrial Revolution (Watson). China’s urban population rose from 26% to 53% in 2012 which brings the total urban population to 712 million people (Juan). Among these 712 million urban residents, nearly 250 million are migrant workers from rural areas (â€Å"The Great Transition†). In this paper I will explore urban migration during the industrialization, and the numerous impactsRead MoreMigration Of People From Rural Essay852 Words  | 4 Pagesinternal migration of people from rural to urban places, which is considered to be the most significant form of migration. Migration of people is considered to be a choice or force of movement. This movement has many consequences at a level of the indivi dual and the country as a while itself. (National Geographic Xpeditions, 2005) Populations in cities continue to grow through the migration of people from diverse locations. It has become more evident that urban places are more desirable compared toRead MoreHow The Social Structure Affect Social Impact Social Apathy And The Lack Of Delinquent Opportunity Within Their Neighborhood Essay872 Words  | 4 Pageshelp to explain if the neighborhood social processes, crime rates, and the lack of delinquent opportunity within their neighborhood, is solely the main effect for social disorganization amongst all of the racial groups in this research, or is it just one particular group (e.g. Latinos)? And if so, why does that group have more of a social disadvantage than the others? Then we can isolate the different types of types of influences within these urban neighborhoods ethnic/racial groups and focus on the
Monday, December 9, 2019
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Us Electoral System free essay sample
The electors chosen by each state are called the Electoral College. This consists of 538 members, comprising 100 senators, 435 congressmen, and 3 members from the District of Columbia. States with large populations, like California have over 50 electoral votes, while sparsely populated states like Alaska has only 3 electoral votes. This system of government makes the electoral system highly susceptible to voter suppression. Voter Suppression is the strategy to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing people from exercising their right to vote. It is distinguished from political campaigning because, it attempts to reduce the number of voters who might vote against the candidate or the proposition advocated by the suppressors, while political campaigning attempts to change the possible voting behavior by changing the opinions of potential voters through persuasion and organization. Voter suppression in the United States of America is mainly done by trying to discourage persons from voting by making the process harder, rather than preventing them from doing so. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 which was last amended in 2006 is the legislation set down to outlaw discriminatory voting practices against Americans. This law guarantees that the  federal government would intervene if any state attempted to deny a citizens voting rights because of race. The Act contained special enforcement provisions targeted at those areas of the country where Congress believed the potential for discrimination to be the greatest. This Act has been the main challenge to all possible attempts at voter suppression. Under the American electoral system, every state is able to set its own electoral laws, as long as it is in line with the Voting Rights Act this is good because each state is unique and will have its own unique electoral issues and a broad national law would not suit all states, but this also a key weakness as the lawmakers of each state are able to implement various voter suppression tactics to benefit their party under the pretext of preventing voter fraud and safeguarding election integrity. These voter suppression laws take many forms, and collectively lead to significant burdens for eligible voters trying to exercise their most fundamental constitutional right eg. During the 2011 legislative sessions, states across the country passed measures to make it harder for Americans, particularly African-Americans, the elderly, students and people with disabilities to exercise their fundamental right to cast a ballot. Over thirty states considered laws that would require voters to present government-issued photo ID in order to vote. Studies suggest that up to 11 percent of American citizens lack such ID, and would be required to navigate the administrative burdens to obtain it or forego the right to vote entirely. Three additional states passed laws to require documentary proof of citizenship in order to register to vote, though as many as 7 percent of American citizens do not have such proof. Seven states shortened early voting time frames, even though over 30 percent of all votes cast in the 2008 general election were cast before Election Day. Two state legislatures voted to repeal Election Day registration laws, though Election Day registration increases voter turnout by 10-12 percent. Finally, two states passed legislation making it much more difficult for third-party organizations to register voters so difficult, in fact, that some voter registration organizations are leaving the states altogether. A clear example of attempted voter suppression Florida came from Jim Greer, former Chair of the Florida Republican Party, on the Al Sharpton show where he said â€Å"In Florida, as in other states, its not the Democrats imaginations that are creating voter suppression issues; rather, its the systemic and predictable way in which Republicans are trying to discourage people likely to vote Democrat. They do this by creating arbitrary and unevenly enforced laws to create confusion and ultimately discourage the other sides voters. After an electoral spanking last cycle that was largely the backlash to neoconservative overreaches in the Bush Jr. era, Republicans were reflecting on how to deal with the surge of new and minority voters. I sat in on many meetings where it was discussed how to make sure what happened in 2008, when Obama brought out the college-aged voters, the minority voters, never happened again Another example of attempted voter suppression comes from South Carolina, where delegates there like in other states tried to pass a new law requiring photo identification at the polls, but were stopped by the Department of Justice, their submission did not include any evidence or instance of either in-person voter impersonation or any type of fraud that is not already addressed by the states existing voter identification requirement and that arguably could be deterred by requiring voters to present only photo identification at the polls. The department also found that non-white voters were 20 percent more likely to be excluded by the new law, a total of 81,938 registered minority voters lack the requisite identification. In concluding, it is safe to say the American electoral system, for the most part has been able to thwart attempts at voter suppression by the two major political parties. . Bibliography Online Newspaper Article Campbell, Ryan (September 04, 2012). Voter Suppression Series Part II: Florida. Retrieved from http://www. uffingtonpost. com/ryan-campbell/voter-suppression-in-florida_b_1840793. html Caldwell, Patrick (December 27, 2011). â€Å"Voting Wrongs. †What will the DOJ’s rejection of South Carolina’s voter identification mean? Retrieved from http://prospect. org/article/voting-wrongshttp://prospect. org/article/voting-wrongs Online Documents United States Department of Justice. History of Federal Voting Rights Laws-The Voting Rights Act of 1965. Retrieved from http://www. just ice. gov/crt/about/vot/intro/intro_b. php
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Managing Innovation for Business
Customers’ needs are not static, they keep changing and so do businesses. Businesses are faced with the challenge of making strategic decisions on how change will be implemented. Innovation and invention in a company are changes that need to be natured and supported. The challenges come when a business is doing well, and an innovation to change its course of action is comes-by with the aim of better future.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Managing Innovation for Business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Management must weigh the options available on whether to remain in the current operation state or move to a risky or un-tested structure that do not guarantee success current or future success (Fred,2008). Innovation cannot be limited to certain sections of a business but generally can take many forms; it can be an innovation in products and services produced or internal processes like marketing, human re sources and information technology. Innovators in a business in most cases are the employees who well understand their companies strengths and weakness, or may be from a new entrants who comes with a different approach of doing things. Management have the task of tapping these intellectual properties in human resources for an effective innovation. It is argued that one of the reasons why businesses have a longer life than human beings is innovation. They keen changing and innovating better ways to work and remain competitive. Phillips Lightening Company is an international company incorporated in 1891, by y Anton and Gerard Philips. Initially the company was called Philips Gloeilampen Fabrieken N.V. The success and the longevity of the company are vested in its innovativeness (Phillips Lightening Company Corporate Website, 2010). This paper discusses management of innovation in Philips Lighting Company. Brief Phillips lightening company Since its incorporation in 1891, Phillips has grown from a small business to an international multi-billion company. The company have launched new products in the market in its effort to remain competitive.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Among the innovated products include X-ray tubes earlier in 20th century, in mid 20th century, the company innovated Compact Cassette in the 60s, which it upgraded to Compact Disc in early 1980s, in 21st century, the company have innovated Ambilight TV. The innovations are enabled by a deep understanding by the company of the need to innovate. In the company, an innovation is generated internally but its research and development team, which is one of the most robust in the world, plays a significant role in the innovation. Innovation does not always guarantee a success, in 2000, the company was innovating fast and the time it was a leading bulb seller in the world only to innovate and suffer a loss of EUR 3,206millions. The following is the process that the company have undergone for successful innovation: Shared vision and leadership In case of an innovation, the top management of Phillips is actively involved. When an employee has come out with an innovation or invention, the company policy allows the employee to consult either the immediate supervisor or anyone else whom he thinks can undertake the innovation positively. If the innovator comes with an idea and shares with the supervisor, the supervisor has the role of discussing the innovation at supervisors meeting. From there, it is passed to management at departmental level and finally to the top most management. At all this time the employee is the one whom credit is accruing. In 2000, there was a meeting called â€Å"five minutes of silence†, the top management had called department leaders to come and discus on which method they can use to innovate. It was an open forum where the managers were as ked to air out their views. After five minutes every one trying to think on what to say, they were able to open up and discussed at length the way forward of the company. They developed a different vision and rapped everything with the saying that innovation is doing what you do better. The meeting served as a reminder to the managers of what they already knew that it is their task to enhance innovation in their company.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Managing Innovation for Business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Appropriate structure For an innovative mind to develop there is need for an appropriate combination of employees. Proper combination does not mean highly trained or experienced employees because innovation can even come from the least learnt in a department. It requires a combination of highly knowledgeable people, people who may not be very established but have a developing mind and researchers. They are not locked in a room and told to innovate, but are offered the necessary support as they work together to develop better ways of doing things. After the 2000 meeting at Phillips, the management decided they needed to align their employee in a ways that can yield better result. In 2001, Central Lighting Development Lab developed a visionary team that was composed of four team employees of equal gender representation. Two of the team members were highly experienced in the department while the other two were new to the department. The role of the team was to inspire the department to come with better ways of doing things. They ran a program called â€Å"out of the box†, the program took only one year and it invented Ambilight TV. Alongside with the team of four, there was a team of four senior management, they were asking simple question to Phillip employees so they can trigger their minds to think of an innovation. The second team was called ‘New Business Creati on’ (NBC). From the above innovation of Ambilight TV, it is clear that management took deliberate moves to tap intellectual assets. They set up mechanism, which facilitated communication and innovativeness (Seebode, Harkin and Bessant ,2009). Key individuals After an idea has been developed, the person who has taken up the innovation, mostly the manager or the person who have come up with the idea determines its success. Not all innovated processes, products, or services are tested. Some are left to go and some innovations are tested.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The breakthrough that was attained in 2001 triggered the management to think of how they can have such programs in future but this time in a continual way. The CEO himself started ‘Think the Lighting Future’ project (TTLF), which members were senior managers to support the organisation to develop and tap intellectual assets of their teams. They even set a financial target that they were to attain in a period of five to seven years. They wanted to have ten percent growth rate, which was approximately an addition of EUR 500 million in profit. The project did not immediately yield results. It took time and after one year, they developed ‘Atmosphere Provider’, a project targeted at creating an atmosphere of innovation. In the project, management style and organisational culture of the company was changing were they started adopting a freelance culture. Pioneered by the senior management, the program was easy to develop and implement. After an innovation, the pr omoter should be well acquainted with the new process or products to be developed. This will assist in making others understand what direction the company is taking. Effective team working Developing an orchestrate team is important for successful innovation and support for an innovation. A team is composed of complimentary people mostly taking similar tasks or developing a certain project. How well a company blend the available talents will assist in creating an innovative atmosphere. Teams should be able to listen to each other, and the team leader should understand the potential of all his team members (Ettlie,2006). In July 2003, Phillips launched Atmosphere Provider Program: a program that was aimed at developing strong teams. People were interchanged in different departments and the best combination was gotten. The company manages its human resources in small teams, which are mandated with the task of undertaking a certain program. In 2000, there was the â€Å"out of the boxà ¢â‚¬ , new Business Creation’ (NBC) among others. They were incorporated to assist departments and undertake different project. There are main production teams and support teams like research and development. In the case of innovation, marketing and research and development team since they are more close to the consumers and the market offer a company input information on what they should do. They are strong posts in innovation. High creative environment To invent, create and innovate, there is need to have an environment that facilitated these three business elements. The management and the employees should have free and effective flow of information where they can exchange ideas. Other than office supervisor- boss interaction, there is need to have outdoor activities together. They relax the mood between the employees and management a move that facilitated better communication and innovation. When employees and top management communicate freely, they are likely to develop better processes and products. A strategy that facilitates innovation is recognition of past innovators; they should be noted as people who have made history to the company. Human beings are motivated by being recognised and thus a company with such kind of policy will have motivated staffs as far as innovation is concerned. Phillips maintained teams of applications, technologies, business models, new alliances, and the teams were given the necessary resources that they required when undertaking their activities. This combination and dependency among the teams gave rise to ‘Light Embedded in Furniture’ innovation. High involvement teamwork Innovators should be people who understand current processes and products/services and see a gap that the company is not fulfilling. In the case of Phillips, employees have been the major innovators as they learn processes that they undergo every day and look for better ways of doing thing. Eventually an innovation comes by (Phillips Lightening Company Corporate Website, 2010) External environment as an element of innovation Businesses operate in environments that have other players, government, shareholders, creditors, customers, society among others. External environment can be a source for innovation. It may offer its recommendation to research and development team, marketing, or call centres of an organisation. Through customer complaints and compliment, a company learns where it is not performing as per societal expectation and focus on such areas to innovate. What the competitor is offering can also trigger innovation. In shareholders meetings, some innovative mind can be gotten or triggered. The system is called innovation by crisis (Seebode, Harkin and Bessant ,2009). Phillips innovation cycle After an innovation has occurred in the company, it goes through various stages before it reaches to the final customer. The following is the cycle of innovation: Exploration This is where the company develops the idea and sets all processes to go. Any support from the top management and team members is sort so as when launch is done, then the company gets on business. The stage involves: Setting a brand tag key skills for leading incremental product innovation create product l believes and positional statements launch These processes are internal though products, services or process are set to go Prototyping and market testing This is market entering. The marketing team plays the most important role at this stage since it is supposed to sell the products and services to the people. Market segments are created and target groups established. The stage is important as it gives the response that new goods are getting form the market. Creating alliances and accounting for the changes After successful innovation, measures to strengthen the new system are put in place. They may involve having alliances with other companies, mergers or even acquiring some companies. Returns from the new system are counted and room for improvement created (Seebode, Harkin and Bessant ,2009). Conclusion Globalisation has increased competition among service and goods industries. To remain competitive, a company needs to innovate, invent and be creative. Managing innovation in an organisation is a deliberate move by management; it should be supported by all teams. Phillips Lightening Company has been in operation for over a century and remains relevant and competitive in today’s business environment. Its success is in innovation that it undertakes to fit market needs at a particular time. Phillips has motivated teams and provides a creative environment. Any small innovation gets support from top management. References Ettlie, E.,2006. Managing innovation: new technology, new products, and new services in a global economy. Burlington: Butterworth-Heinemann. Fred, D. ,2008.Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases. New Jersey: Pearson Education. Phillips Lightening Company Corporate Website, 2010. Seebode, D. Harkin, G. and Bessant, J. ,2009. Managing Innovation. Web. This report on Managing Innovation for Business was written and submitted by user Maya D. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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