Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Stem Cell Research The Medical Field For Future Studies...
Our entire bodies are made up of cells; without them, our bodies would not be able to thrive, let alone be created. Our bones, muscles, organs, tissues and skin are all composed of specialized cells that code for the type of cell they are assigned to be. Many body cells, for example, a liver cell, can reproduce many new cells; but the cells reproduced are only capable of being created as a liver cell. This example is a major reason why researchers are so interested in stem cell research. Stem cells are not specialized to a particular purpose in the body. Stem cells hold power to become any type of cell in the body. This is relevant to researchers in the medical field for future studies and cures. Stem cells are unique compared to other types of cells due to their unspecialized characteristic and the ability to become a new kind of specialized cell with the help of an experimental condition. They are also unique while studying their capability of dividing and renewing themselves even if dormant for an extended period of time. Scientists have begun to work primarily with two types of stem cells. These two cells are derived from animal and human cells, known as Embryonic Stem Cells (ESC) and Adult Stem Cells or also known as Somatic Stem cells. Somatic cells are easier to obtain throughout the body and are found inside of different types of tissues. Somatic cells have been found in tissues throughout the body such as; blood, muscles, skin, brain, and bone marrow. These cellsShow MoreRelatedResearch On Stem Cell Research1459 Words  | 6 PagesTo Provide Medical Treatments or Not People with serious medical conditions constantly seek assistance and cures for recovery. However, many of these problems are currently untreatable. Scientists constantly try to find new ways to help patients in need. Studies done in the past few years have displayed many possible methods. Stem cell research is a recent discovery that brings intense controversy: one side believes that the research is beneficial to the advancement of finding medical treatmentsRead MoreAn Argument in Favor of Stem Cell Research Essay1507 Words  | 7 Pagesbattle more heated than in the fight over stem cell research. While supporters of this new field of science tout it’s potential to cure everything from blindness to paralysis, those against stem cell science liken the procedures used by scientists to murder. It is my intention to bring to light the positive benefits of stem cell research as well as counter the claims used by many Pro-life groups who believe the scientists driving this inno vative field of study are nothing more than murders. Most scientistsRead MoreA Research Study On Stem Cell Research1644 Words  | 7 PagesStem cell research has covered many parts of research today and is growing progressively and becoming more common in research today. These cells have the potential to grow and develop into any other cell type in the body and form or make up the tissues of the body and organs. There are millions of people today who suffer from birth defects or diseases because of damaged cells or tissue. Stem cells give researchers the ability cure and replace almost all the cells in the body and help grow new tissueRead MoreStem Cell Research And The Medical Field Essay1736 Words  | 7 PagesStem cells have become one of the largest research fields in the Department of Regenerative Medicine. They are often referred to as the â€Å"building blocks of nature†due to their ability to transform into any type of cell in the human body. It has led to the controversy of the possible chance that stem cells ca n regenerate organs, and cure life threatening diseases. This topic has been publicly discussed among scientists and healthcare professionals. There are different types of stem cells, such asRead MoreStem Research On Stem Cell Research1530 Words  | 7 PagesHiga Capstone 2 October, 2014 Stem Cell Beats Ethic Issues Stem cell research is the most controversial topic in the health field since abortion. Stem cell research however, has the potential to unlock an infinite amount of possibilities as well be the key to curing patients with terminal illnesses. Many people from around the world have their opinions on this type of research dealing with ethics, politics, and religion. The most efficient way to study stem cells is taking them from donated embryosRead MoreThe Debate Of Embryonic Stem Cell Research1460 Words  | 6 Pages I believe that embryonic stem cell research should be allowed in the United States. From previous encounters with the topic I have learned that the many benefits that can come from stem cell research are without a doubt astounding and unimaginable. There are simply endless possibilities that can arise if the research was allowed to be conducted. From giving back vision to rebuilding tissue, any advance in stem cell research would be beneficial to the medical world. W ith the help that the advancesRead MoreThe Controversial Topic Of Stem Cell Research Essay1414 Words  | 6 PagesStem Cell Research is still the most controversial topic in science today. The idea behind the experiment involves the development, use, and destruction of human embryos. The research method mainly focuses on embryonic stem cells, which involves taking tissue from an aborted embryo to get a better look at the cell and obtain information for the fundamental properties of the cells. Embryonic stem cells play a major role in the research because the cell provides information for cell development toRead MoreStem Cell Research Controversy Essay681 Words  | 3 Pagesover stem cell research’s use in the medical field is almost two decades old. So why the sudden intense return of fierce political debates over an old issue? It’s because President Obama recently revoked the ban on stem cell research, as he believes it holds the potential to revolutionize the m edical industry in the years to come. As USA Today quoted him saying in March, after he stopped restricting federal funding for stem cell research, At this moment, the full promise of stem cell research remainsRead MoreThe Controversy Of Embryonic Stem Cells1034 Words  | 5 PagesFor decades, researchers’ use of stem cells has caused a controversy and the consideration of the ethics of research involving the development, usage, and destruction of human embryos. Most commonly, this controversy focuses on embryonic stem cells. Not all stem cell research involves the creation, usage and destruction of human embryos. For example, adult stem cells, amniotic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells do not involve creating, using or destroying human embryos and thus areRead MoreResearch On Stem Cell Research1582 Words  | 7 Pagesis beginning to fall behind in its advancement in research compared to the rest of the world due, to the lack of federal funding. One advan cement which creates conflicts and dilemmas is stem cell research. The conflicts are specific types of stem cells are unethical and not morally right to research on, but not all stem cells are this way. Stem cell research is the study of different types of stem cells and their possible clinical uses. Stem cells can be developed to act as treatments for different
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